How to insert TIMvision password

TIMVision compatible devices

How to insert TIMvision password

If you need to enter the TIMvision password, it's probably because you previously created an account for this on-demand streaming service and now you need to connect to its platform in order to enjoy its content.

If this is the case, before explaining in detail how to do this, I would like to list the devices that are supported and compatible with TIMvision, so that you can log in to the platform and use it on the most suitable one. to your needs.

In this regard, in addition to listing below the list of TIMvision compatible devices, I remind you that, to use the service, a broadband Internet connection is required, even if precise minimum requirements for Internet connection are not indicated on the TIMvision official website.

  • PC with operating system Windows 8.1 or later (on Windows 10you can download the TIMvision application from the Microsoft Store);
  • Mac with macOS operating system 10.4.11 or later;
  • Browser Google Chrome (version 39+), Mozilla Firefox (47+), Microsoft Edge (25+), Internet Explorer (10.x +) e Safari (7.0+).
  • Android devices 0 or higher;
  • Apple devices with iOS 8.1 or higher;
  • TV with TIMvision decoder;
  • Samsung Smart TVs and Blu-Ray Players (2014 and later models);
  • LG Smart TVs and Blu-Ray players (with WebOS operating system);
  • Smart TV Android;
  • Google Chromecast;
  • Apple TV;
  • Amazon Fire TV Stick;
  • Xbox One

TIMVision prices

How to insert TIMvision password

It is also necessary to make a brief introduction on TIMvision prices given that, in some cases, it is possible to take advantage of the on-demand streaming service for free. In the following lines, I tell you what these conditions are.

  • TIM Super customers: if you are a TIM customer and have signed up for an offer Super TEAM, you can see TIMvision for free, as the service is included in your subscription. Also, by choosing to activate the option for free TIMvision Plus, you have the option to download the content supported by the feature Download & Play, for a view of the same even in offline mode. You can also take advantage of TIMvision from multiple devices, for even simultaneous playback and, through the TIMvision application on smartphones and tablets, you can view content without consuming data traffic, when you are on the TIM mobile network.
  • TIM customers with fixed line: if you are a TIM customer with a fixed line, but you have a different rate from TIM Super, you must subscribe to a TIMvision Plus, to take advantage of its contents. The price is 5 € / month and includes a one month free trial.
  • TIM mobile customers: if you are a TIM customer with a mobile rate, you can see TIMvision via the app from your smartphone or tablet but you must, also in this case, subscribe for the price of 5 € / month with a free 1-month trial. Up Android you can pay by TIM telephone credit or by credit card; up iOS / iPadOSinstead, the payment method added to your iCloud account is supported, as you have to pay from the App Store.
  • Not TIM customers: if you are not a TIM customer or if you do not fall within the conditions listed above, which allow you to obtain TIMvision for free, then you must subscribe to the service. However, the cost of TIMvision for non-TIM customers remains € 5 / month with a 1-month free trial. The supported payment method is credit card.
  • TIM BOX: an alternative solution to see TIMvision is the purchase of the decoder TIM BOX with subscription included, available for those who already have an active TIM fixed line. Its cost is 3 € / month.

If you have subscribed to TIMvision, it is important that you remember that it renews automatically. However, in case you want to cancel it, you can do it before the deadline, without any restrictions or penalties. In this regard, if you want to learn more about the costs and offers of TIMvision, refer to the official website.

Furthermore, in case you have other doubts about the functioning of TIMvision, read the guide in which I explain in more detail how to use this streaming platform and how to see the contents inside it. In the next chapter, however, you can find a list of some interesting ones offer TIM with TIMvision even.

Offer TIM with TIMvision

How to insert TIMvision password

As anticipated, from the moment TIMvision is TIM's streaming platform, the telecommunications company makes available some fixed-line offers that allow you to obtain, included in the price, the TIMvision subscription and the option TIMvision More, which I gave you more information about in the previous chapter.

In this regard, to find out more, keep reading: find more details in the following lines.

  • TIM SUPER FIBRA: allows you to obtain a fiber Internet connection with speeds up to 1 Giga. The cost of calls from landlines to national fixed and mobile numbers is 19 cents / minute with 19 cents of connection set-up.
  • TIM SUPER MEGA: allows you to obtain a mixed fiber / copper Internet connection with speeds up to 200 Mbps in download and 20 Mbps in upload. The cost of calls from landlines to national fixed and mobile numbers is 19 cents / minute with 19 cents of connection set-up.
  • TIM SUPER ADSL: allows you to get an Internet connection in ADSL with speeds up to 20 Mbps in download and 1 Mbps in upload. Calls from landlines to national fixed and mobile numbers cost 19 cents / minute with 19 cents of connection fee.

For more information on the offers listed above or on the other TIM offers, refer to the information boxes that you find below.

Enter TIMVision password from computer

How to insert TIMvision password

You have chosen to use TIMvision from a computer Windows o MacOS? I imagine that, in this case, you will need some help to be able to log in or register on the platform. No problem: I'll explain how to proceed in the following lines.

As I indicated in the chapter dedicated to compatible devices, to use TIMvision from a computer you must connect to its official website via a browser to browse the Internet.

Once this is done, if you are a TIM customer and you have an email address o, you can access TIMvision directly using one of these; the password will be the same one you created when you activated the ADSL or fiber line at home.

To enter the login data, then, click on the button Log in located at the top of the TIMvision home page, use the text fields relating to thee-mail and Password, for typing, and press the button Log in. If you no longer remember the login details of the email email o @, click this page to retrieve them.

Do you need to create an account for the TIMvision service? In this case, press the button Subscribe found on the home screen of the website, fill in the text fields Enter your email address e enter password (remember to choose a complex one, as I explained to you in this tutorial of mine), then accept the terms and conditions of the service, placing a check mark on the relevant terms. Finally, click Subscribe.

To complete the account creation procedure, confirm the email address you provided by pressing the button Click here which you can see in the e-mail message received at the address provided. The exact same procedure can be done through the use of the app TIMvision su Windows 10, which must be downloaded from Microsoft Store.

To proceed, connected to this link that refers to the Microsoft virtual store, click on the button Install / Open, then click the entry Allow in the notification that is shown to you in your browser. Finally, tap on Install e starts, on the Microsoft Store screen, to download, install and launch the app on your computer.

Enter TIMVision password from smartphone and tablet

How to insert TIMvision password

To enter the email and password of an email address o, and thus access all the contents of the TIMvision platform from smartphones and tablets, you must first download the application on the device in your possession.

Su Android, connected Play Store, in order to see the preview card of the app TIMvision. To install it, click on the button Install and then Accept. Wait now for the download and automatic installation to finish. Finally, to start it, press the button apri from the Play Store or tap on the application icon that will have been automatically added to the home screen of your smartphone or tablet.

Su iOS / iPadOSinstead, download and install TIMvision through the iOS App Store, following the instructions I am about to give you. On the app preview screen, tap on the item first Get e poi su quella denomtata Install.

If prompted, unblock the automatic download and installation of TIMvision, via Touch ID, Face ID or by typing the password of your iCloud account. At the end of this operation, start the app from theApp Store pressing on apri or press on its icon, which you can automatically find added to the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.

The login or registration procedure is identical depending on the operating system in use on your smartphone or tablet. So, if you already have a TIMvision account, or you want to log in via your email address o presses on the button Log in you see on the app home screen. Then enter your email and password in the respective text fields and tap or on the item Log in.

Do you need to register? In this case there is nothing easier: press on the voice Subscribe, located at the top, fill in the text fields Enter e-mail address and Enter password, accepts the terms of service, by placing a check mark on the respective item, as well as any wording that may be used to receive updates on content and news.

Finally, tap the button Subscribe, to confirm the registration. You will also be asked to confirm the email address entered; so press the confirmation button in the email received from TIMvision.

Enter TIMVision password from Smart TV

How to insert TIMvision password

To enter the password of an existing TIMvision account on Smart TV you must, first of all, download the TIM streaming service application.

To succeed in this attempt it is clearly necessary that the Smart TV has previously been connected to the Internet. Not sure if you have done this and would like my help? No problem, follow the instructions below step by step.

To connect the Smart TV to the Internet it is necessary to act through the menu Settings, usually distinguished by the symbol of a gear. After that, you need to go to the Internet network settings menu, in order to log in to your home Wi-Fi network.

As an example, if you own an LG Smart TV, go to the menu Settings (accessible by pressing on symbol of a gear on the remote control), then tap on the items Settings > Network> Connection, in order to connect to the Internet to your home Wi-Fi network, possibly typing the Password access to it.

After connecting the Smart TV to the Internet, download the application of TIMvision from the default store of the same. In this regard, the Smart TV virtual shop icon is located on the initial menu screen, usually accessible by pressing the symbol of a small house located on the remote control. For example, regarding the LG Smart TV, the virtual store icon is named LG Content Store.

Once you have found the virtual store of your Smart TV, look for the application of TIMvision through the internal search engine, then install it and start it by pressing the relative buttons, usually called Install e starts o You open.

Once the application is started, all you have to do is log in with the previously registered account data or the email address o using the text fields relating to the email and password you see on the screen, then continue to log in by pressing the button NEXT.

If, on the other hand, you do not have a TIMvision account, to register on the streaming platform you must proceed from a computer or smartphone and tablet. In this regard, please refer to the information I have given you in the previous chapters.

Enter TIMVision password on TIM decoder

How to insert TIMvision password

In case you have a TIM decoder, such as the decoder TIMBOX, before entering the access data to the TIMVision account (e-mail e Password), you need to connect the decoder to the TV.

Once connected, the access procedure to the TIMVision account is practically identical to what can be done from any other device supported by the streaming platform.

In fact, on the initial screen of the ap, you just need to press the login button and log in with your email or with your account @ o @ In the latter case, the password to use is the same one you created when activating your ADSL or Fiber line.

In case of doubts or problems, therefore, refer to the information I have given you in the previous chapters or read the official guide published on the TIM assistance web page.

How to insert TIMvision password

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