How SPID Poste works

What SPID is and what it is for

How SPID Poste works

Before explaining to you how SPID Poste cittàne works, let me give you some general information on how to use the system SPID. In a nutshell, as already mentioned in the opening bars of this guide, the SPID is an authentication method that can be used by citizens, companies and, in general, companies, to take advantage of the online services of the Public Administration (and not only).

In practice, the SPID credentials effectively replace the "in person" authentication through an identity document, are valid for all services of the Public Administration and are unique. This means that it is sufficient to request the SPID credentials from only one accredited supplier, in order to be able to use it on all services that provide this authentication method.

In particular, the login via SPID provides three levels of security, which can give access to more or less advanced features, based on the service you intend to use.

  • Level 1 - access using the combination of username and password.
  • Level 2 - level 1 access, followed by the insertion of a one-time password generated via SMS, app or token / dedicated device.
  • Level 3 - access via smart card and password.

Each provider can provide a different level of access, which can be "improved" after registration: for example, the SPID of Poste cittàne provides for the authentication of level 2.

To request the SPID it is necessary to have at least 18 years, own a identification document valid (paper or electronic identity card, driving license, passport), the health insurance card or the residence permit (if you do not have in your languagen citizenship), a mobile phone number it's a valid email address.

You can create a new SPID identity by doing the remote recognition in various ways - the simplest one consists in scanning the electronic identity card with a smartphone equipped with an NFC sensor - or “de visu”, at an authorized office. In principle, all methods of recognition are free, except those that require the involvement of a natural person who - on site or remotely - must carry out the identification.

Finally, it is good that you know that, starting with the February 28 2021, all Public Bodies will have to adopt exclusive access via SPID and eliminate other alternative authentication systems.

How SPID Poste cittàne works

After having provided you with all the necessary information regarding the SPID identity, the time has come to take action and to explain, in practice, how to activate and use the SPID codes of Poste cittàne. I remind you that the creation procedure, in this case, is absolutely free and that the SPID credentials do not involve any management costs.

How to activate SPID Poste

How SPID Poste works

In spite of what you might think, get theDigital Identity di City post office (also called PosteID SPID enabled) is not difficult at all: the whole procedure is feasible both online, through one identification tool precise, both by going to a post office.

As far as the 'remote identification, i.e. the creation of the SPID identity directly from home, it is essential to have one of the following documents or identification systems available: a certified mobile number at Poste cittàne, una electronic identity card (o CIE) or national service charter (CNS), together with the Smart Card / NFC reader and related drivers, a Electronic passport, for an BancoPosta reader with attached postal product or a digital firm kit.

If, on the other hand, you intend to activate your digital identity directly in a physical location of Poste cittàne (by carrying out the recognition in person), you will need to bring a identity card valid, yours health insurance card and have aemail address and a telephone number to be associated with the account.

Once you have obtained this information, go to the post office closest to you (I suggest you use the Poste cittàne app to book an appointment) and tell the employee your intention to activate the SPID identity: the latter will ask you for the documents and will provide you with the forms to fill out, to get everything.

Clearly, if you decide to carry out the recognition using a system other than the digital signature kit, you will have to meet specific requirements, in order for the procedure to be successful, depending on the type of authentication you prefer. Here are the most important ones.

  • If you want to authenticate via electronic document (passport or CIE), you need to register using the app PosteID available for Android, iOS and iPadOS (here I explained how to get it), installed on a smartphone equipped with technology NFC. Finally, it is essential to have the health insurance card.
  • If you want to authenticate via SMS, you must be registered on the Internet site of Poste cittàne (here I explained how to do it) and have certified your mobile number, combining it with the postal product in your possession.
  • To authenticate you using the BancoPosta reader, you must be registered on the Poste cittàne portal and have an email address and a mobile phone number.

How SPID Poste works

In any case, regardless of the authentication method chosen, the steps to obtain the PosteID digital identity are roughly the same. To start, you need to connect to the dedicated page of the Poste cittàne website, click on the button Register Now and, after selecting the identification methods you prefer, follow the directions given to you on the screen.

For example, to register with a certified phone number, put the check mark next to the option SMS on Certified Mobile and enter, in the form that appears on the screen, the username and Password associated with your account (if you no longer remember them, follow the instructions I gave you in this guide to recover them).

How SPID Poste works

Pray click on your button Continue and insertion il code received by SMS on the certified telephone number, in the appropriate field. Then click on the button Verify code and, if requested, fill in the next form confirming i identification document data issued to Poste cittàne during registration of the number.

After this step too, click on the button Confirmation and enter a email address to be used to log in and receive service communications (twice). Then click on the button Proceed and enter, inside the text field Confirmation Code (OTP), Disposable PIN which should have been delivered to your selected email inbox.

Once the validation of the email address is complete, you will need to type a Password to protect your digital identity, according to the necessary security requirements (length between 8 and 16 characters, use of upper and lower case characters, at least one special character and no more than two consecutive characters).

When you are done, click on the button Continue and verify that yours contacts and personal data are correct; otherwise, click the button for modify your data and make the necessary changes, using the proposed form.

How SPID Poste works

We're almost there: click the button again Proceed, take a look at thePrivacy disclaimer and General Conditions of Service, accept the latter by checking the boxes in the box General conditions of service and, if you prefer, deny consent for the use of data for profiling and marketing purposes.

Finally, enter your password previously chosen to accept the contract proposal, click on the button Confirmation and that's it: if everything went well, you will see a confirmation message indicating the positive outcome of the request.

After some time (it could take minutes, or hours), you should receive an email confirming the activation of the credentials, in which the steps to be taken to obtain the level 3 SPID are specified, together with the Immediate Suspension code, to be used to suspend credentials.

Once the registration phase is complete, you must activate the new identity created, using the PosteID app available for Android, iOS and iPadOS: therefore go to the reference store of your device, search for the app in question and tap the button Installa / Ottieni, to download it. If necessary, authenticate to the store using facial recognition, Fingerprint o Password.

Once you have the app, start it, tap the button Continue for a few consecutive times and then on Log in; after that, enter the SPID credentials previously created in the appropriate fields, tap the button Log in and, if necessary, follow the instructions given to you to create a PosteID code to be used by means of identity verification, during access. Have you seen? After all, it wasn't that difficult!

How to use SPID Poste

How SPID Poste works

After explaining how to create the SPID identity of Poste cittàne, it's time to explain how to use it. The whole thing is much simpler than it seems: all you have to do is go to the site that requires SPID access, select this last option and click on the image related to PosteID.

Once this is done, enter the username and password associated with your digital identity, press the buttons Sign in with SPID e Continue and carry out the second verification step through the app PosteID: start the latter (also via the notification received on the smartphone or tablet), tap the button Authorize and insertion il PosteID code previously created; if you prefer, you can configure the application to use the identification systems built into the device, such as the face recognition or the 'Fingerprint.

If you want to know more about how to use the SPID identity, I refer you to reading my specific guide on the subject, in which I have given you even more details on the subject.

How SPID Poste works

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