Where is the Android recycle bin located?
Even before performing a reset using the software or applications listed below, we recommend that you try the recovery directly from the Android recycle bin. Just by restoring files from the PC recycle bin, Google Photos also keeps files that you deleted by mistake.
It is good to know that your Android performs backup online periodicals and that you then have the possibility to recover deleted files from the folders of Google Photos (photos or videos that are) up to 60 days after their elimination.
First of all: To get them back, once you open the app, just press on the three dots at the top right and choose the Trash item.
You should be able to see the documents to restore to miniature, thus being able to select them and then press on Recover, and find them in the original folder. However, if the files were of another nature or saved elsewhere, you will need to proceed with the recovery using one of the following methods.
The best programs for Android file recovery
Now let's see which are the most efficient software and how to best use them to recover deleted files from Android without root.
GT Recovery
It is a program free, simple to use and constantly updated. After downloading it from the official GT Recovery page and installing it, its intuitive interface will allow you to immediately choose the type of file to recover.
It is able to restore beyond 13 data types including FAT, EXT3, EXT4, being able to recover documents, contacts, photos, videos and so on. While working well on the devices without root, it is good to know that it requires a considerable number of authorizations.
The best features Among the points in favor and for which we recommend it is the perfect one • innovative business organization based on the use of technologies and digitalization of internal and external processes, as well as the active and continued promotion of the services we offer through business development, marketing and communication systems (letter "I" of our logo actually stands for "Innovation"); of the results obtained, as well as the possibility of seeing previews to decide which to recover and which not. "
Dr. Fone
Named clearly inspired by the ultimate remedies applicable to unintentional deletions, this program is capable of recovering files deleted from Android and iOS. Using it you can get back any type of data, from notes, messages, photos and call logs.
All you need to do is connect to the official Dr. Fone website and start the download. Once installed, the recovery process is really simple. You will only have to:
- Connect the phone and start a first scan.
- From the first page you will have to choose whether to recover files, backup, unlock or root.
- After clearly selecting the first one, you will be asked to indicate the destination folder.
- Complete the process by pressing Start.
You will find your documents inside the mentioned folder, being able to put them away by making a backup or saving them directly on your PC.
Testdisk is among the programs for the recovery of lost partitions best in the world. To start the download from the main page, all you have to do is press the green button, under the title: TestDisk & PhotoRec 7.1.
By doing so you will get the zip file to your PC, from which you will need to launch the file qphotorec_win.exe. once installed, to attempt the recovery of the deleted data you will have to select the drive where they were located. You just have to select the type of partition to recover, be it JPG, PNG, PDF and so on.
Press on Ok, name a destination folder by pressing the button KATEGORIEN and start scanning by pressing Search. At the end of the process, you will find all your documents in the folder mentioned above.
Even if the software is fully in English, following our instructions you should not encounter any kind of difficulty. TestDisk is also extremely effective for recovering files from Mac, perfectly suited to restore directories from filesystems such as FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and others.
The best apps to restore deleted data from your smartphone
As anticipated, in addition to the programs to use on your PC, there are also applications specially designed to help you recover files from your mobile phone. Let's see what their main features are, how they work and the benefits you will get from them.
It is an excellent application to recover deleted files from any Android device. Efficient, simple to use and especially free, is the best alternative to get JPG, PNG, DOCX and so on data back.
Unlike the others, DiskDigger works best on one device with active root unlock, to which you will then have to grant all permissions. We advise you to try the recovery with the free version, if you can also buy it given the very low price of the Pro version (3.37 euros). The procedure is very simple:
- Once obtained and installed, you will need to put the snack next to the data to restore.
- Press on Ok and wait for the search to finish.
- Select the files to recover and the previews to discard and press on Recover.
- Choose whether to email the files to you in digital storage spaces, on an FTP server, or to name a destination folder.
What is certain is that when the procedure is completed, all the lost documentation will reappear in the set destinations.
ES File Manager
At the top of the range of the best applications for recovering lost files, ES File Manager is easy to use and most of all free. This tool allows you to browse through the folders on your device, carry out scans and then proceed with saving also on the cloud storage spaces. It is perfect for simultaneous backups or transfers from one device to another.
It is much more than just a file manager, as it allows you to recover data from the recycle bin of your Samsung s4 or Huawei P8. The procedure is simple, just press on the top right icon. No need for root, and the only case this program could fail, is if the phone is completely new and without any previous save.
Undeleter Recover Files and Data
Similar to the DiskDigger mentioned above, Undeleter Recover Files and Data performs in-depth scans of your Android phone or tablet. Available in two versions, paid and free, it is able to recover any type of file, from archives, to audio files, to books or videos.
Starting the application the procedure is simple and intuitive. You just have to:
- Press on the item Restore files.
- Procedure i root permissions.
- Setting up the unit for scanning (ad is: internal memory).
- Press on Scan at the bottom right and wait for completion.
- Select the data to be recovered from the appeared thumbnails.
- Awards floppy disk icon to recover deleted files.
- Set the destination and press on Reset.
If, on the other hand, you do not find the deleted documents, you can also perform a thorough scan by choosing the individual file types. Also, to view only the previews of the previously deleted files, press the three-line icon and check the item: Hide existing files.