It is a program similar to the famous TuneUP (not free) and Glary Utilities free (free) and is one of the most appreciated alternatives by users all over the world. Advanced SystemCare 13 is free to download in its free version or can be purchased to unlock all its functions.
After downloading, you can easily install it by choosing the cittàn language and disabling the installation of the IObit Toolbar which is useless.
To meet less experienced users, at the first start you can follow a short illustrated tutorial that explains how to use the tool and the meaning of the buttons in the interface. SystemCare 13 starts in simplified mode showing a single button and hiding most of the commands and options.
However, I recommend switching to expert mode because it is always better to check what this type of programs do and to have the possibility to disable some operations.
Compared to the previous version, IOBit, in addition to improving the program in its functions, has added some tools that, briefly, let's find out:
1) The best part of the program is certainly that ofgeneral optimization Windows that allows you to scan the system in every aspect to find the best general configuration of the PC and increase performance. In particular, by clicking on Edit, you can perform, in a single process, the following tasks: Malware Removal, Registry Fix, Privacy Cleaner, Junk Files Removal, Internet Optimization, Registry Defrag, System Optimization, Security Problem Correction, Invalid Link Fix, Disk Scan, Fix vulnerability, disk defragmentation.
If you prefer, you can exclude one of the operations by removing the cross before clicking on Correct.
In particular, I recommend not to include the disk defrag (very long and useful only if the disk is almost full) and the Privacy Fix which deletes all the activities saved on the web browser (provided that you do not want to delete the traces of use of the computer and navigation).
After the scan you can see the details and perform the repair.
2) Under the menu Instruments you can run various IOBit tools for checking, error correction and pc optimization.
You can use all the tools included in the IOBit suite except two: Registry Cleaner and Internet Booster which are part of the PRO version, for a fee (see, alternatively, the best Registry Cleaners such as Ccleaner and how to increase internet speed with the accelerator automatic Auslogic).
Among others are interesting:
- Smart Ram that remains in the background to optimize the management and use of RAM memory, preventing it from being too busy with programs.
- IoBit Uninstaller one of the best program uninstallers.
- Startup Manager to select the programs to start when the computer is turned on.
- Game Booster to optimize your pc for video games during a game.
- WinFix to solve common Windows problems.
- IOBit Unlocker to delete, move or rename busy or running files.
- Auto Shutdown to configure the automatic shutdown of the pc.
- ASC Portable version to install a portable version of Advanced SystemCare on a USB stick to be used on other computers.
3) Turbo Boost finally it is a way to activate the optimal PC configuration automatically but temporary, depending on whether it is used for work or for games. Basically some services are disabled and some applications turned off that should not be needed if you work on your computer or play games. Turbo Boost can be deactivated with one click, restoring disabled services and apps.
Each Advanced System Care tool can be configured in the settings menu, accessible from the icon with three lines at the top right.
In particular, check the general settings to disable, if you do not want, the program from starting when Windows starts. IOBit ASC remains running in the background on the computer and, from the icon near the clock, you can activate the Turbo Boost in a right click. From the same icon you can also open the system monitor which shows, in real time, the use of CPU and memory. From the quick settings you can activate the various PC optimizations and the main tools including autocare (automatic care) and maintenance.
In conclusion, it is an excellent program of a type in which the choices are really many. Given that a test is never refused, especially because it can be used for free, I therefore recommend download Advanced System Care of IOBIT for general computer care. Attention only that in the installation you have to choose the custom one to avoid installing the annoying toolbar.
In this post we have seen in detail the best free automatic programs to optimize your Windows PC
Download Advanced SystemCare for free to clean up Windows