The icons can be downloaded of all kinds, with high resolution drawings to replace the default ones of Windows or to improve and make your blog or site more beautiful.
In this article I would like to sort out the best sites to download icons from and from the best programs to create icons for Windows 10 and Windows 7 in a simple way.
In another article we have already described how I will create a logo for free.
Sites to download icons
1) On the site Icon Finder there is an internet search engine, based on Google, of icons only.2) Another complete site where you can look for icon packs to download and use on your PC is Iconarchive, very powerful and full of icons of all kinds and preferences.
3) FlatIcons is another site with many sets to replace the standard Windows icons.
4) Lots of icons of all genres can be downloaded on Iconspedia.
5) VeryIcon is a great search engine for icons of all kinds.
6) Flaticons is the site to download flat, flat type icons, with a modern design similar to that of the most popular applications, in the form of high quality png files.
From other sites the free download icons proposed by other sites such as:
- SmashingMagazine, with many icons organized in various posts.
All icons are available in the resolutions: 256 × 256px, 128 × 128px, 64 × 64px, 48 × 48px, 32 × 32px and 16 × 16px and are available in .png, .icns, .ico and vector file formats (. eps). The images are always free and of free use.
- IconShock: a huge collection of professional icons, some free, some not.
There are images of all types, sizes, colors, formats. There really is something for everyone, useful for any type of web project and for the desktop. The directory currently contains no less than half a million icons.
- Dock Icons contains 170 very beautiful and varied icons. The format is the classic one for icons, the 256 × 256 pixel PNG and are suitable for both websites and for Windows desktop as it contains images of the most famous software and the most popular web 2.0 services.
- A beautiful set of 150 icons called Phuzion icon pack it is free to download for use on websites, blogs and desktops.
Free programs to create icons
Finally, some programs to create high resolution web icons online:
1) Icon Generator is a very simple free application to create web 2.0 style icons where you just need to type the text, choose the color and download the set of icons in the formats 128 × 128, 64 × 64, 32 × 32 and 16 × 16 pixels.
2) Free Icon Editor allows you to create and edit icons with color depth up to 16 million colors, free for Windows 7, 8, 10 with 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel. Import and export .ico, .png, .xpm, .xbm and .icpr formats.
3) Iconizer is a web application to customize web 2.0 icons
4) The program IcoFX is a program for creating, editing and importing icons.
5) The program to be installed on the called computer SimplyIcon It allows create icons for the Desktop in an easy way immediate and with an excellent graphic rendering (simile a Microangelo what you pay for).
6) The program Convertico It allows convert each image file to PNG type ICO files to use for icons.
7) Instead with the program Greenfish Icon Editor for Windows PC you can quickly create a set of icons for websites. The software is 100% free and dedicated more to web designers.
Create and download icons for websites and for Windows