In another article we talked about a Japanese intelligence test (the one of the family that has to cross the river) that I highly recommend, in case it has not already been done. Speaking of Brain Training Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training immediately comes to mind, the popular game launched by Nintendo that is still having so much success all over the world.
For those who do not know it, we can briefly say that it is a game to train the mind with a series of puzzles, without plot or path to follow where the player, every day, must perform simple arithmetic exercises, sudoku questions, tests of memory and more in order, not only theoretical, to stimulate the brain and keep it in shape. The creator of Brain Training, Dr. Ryuta Kawashima is regarded as Japan's leading brain researcher.
Let's try to see then what are the best Brain Training games to train the mind and brain, found on the internet, for free.
1) The most famous Brain training game, that of Doctor Kawashima from Nintendo, it can be free download for PC on the site doublegames.com. There are 30 mental exercises all graphical that allow, in a fun way, to measure your intelligence and test yourself.
2) gBrainy is a free application to download to train the mind, in English, which tests the brain with a series of questions of logic, mathematics and memory. To get decent results, you have to answer quickly the questions that are asked and, based on the time taken and the quality of the answers, you will have a final score. The difficulty levels are many and the progress can be saved chronologically so you can see your progress and if your brain training is helping you.
3) Brain Age Test 01 is an application to play online that is used to find out if your brain age coincides with the real age. It is a timed logic game, where you have to keep in mind the displayed numbers which will have to be rearranged from lowest to highest. An X indicates the correct answer, while the O is the symbol of the error. At the end of the test the program will tell you if you are older or younger than the actual age.
4) Beautiful and educational site Luminosity and his tests and games to train the mind and keep your brain awake. Excellent graphics, simple but pleasant and the quality of flash games that can be played even without registering. You can also follow paths to improve memory and attention, recording the results obtained day by day.
5) Braingymmer.com is a site full of free games to train the mind, with exercises and tests to improve perception, speed, concentration, logic and memory. Each of these categories acts as a filter to find suitable games via the switches above. The games are all online and load without the need for a Flash plugin.
6) BrainTurk is another site with many online games to train the mind and even if in English they are intelligence tests based on drawings, graphics and numbers. The games are all free and there is also a section dedicated to children.
7) Great site then it is Gameforthebrains, with many games to train the mind, in your language.
8) CogniFit Brain Training is an online test in your language to improve cognitive skills, memory and concentration, with games designed by neuroscientists. Players can track progress and gain insights into overall mental health. After an initial quiz, the app adjusts the difficulty of each game based on your personal profile and provides results-based recommendations.
9) On another post, the talk continues with i best puzzle games on the internet that surely keep the brain awake and do a lot to wake up dormant minds. If you know others, let them know, not because I need them of course!
Train your mind with Brain Training games