We are talking about the Tax Administration Service (SAT), which is the way to access all kinds of procedures and/or services. And of course, like any other website with a password, it is totally normal that you forget it, because in our day to day we are full of accounts and passwords everywhere. And the SAT is nothing more, nothing less than another account and another password, that's why at fordatarecovery.com we are going to teach you how to recover your SAT password step by step!
The first way we are going to find to recover it, is logically through the same web page of the SAT, you just have to clickhere.
The second, is through the SAT ID app that the Mexican authorities have launched to facilitate this process in people close to the technological world.
- If you are from Android:Download here
- If you are from Apple:Download here
Getting your SAT password back is not going to be expensive at all with the help of ForDataRecovery! And even more now that you can do it from any mobile platform. You will only need to have your RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes), your ID, and the email address you used to register as a SAT taxpayer.
Let's recover your SAT password!
What is it and how does the SAT password work?
You will need, as with most online accounts, a username and password to access the SAT service.
Before starting any recovery process, remember that the RFC is an alphanumeric key of between 12 and 13 characters. This password always follows a standard, first appears the initials of the person, then a digit related to your date of birth (either of the person or the institution), and finally a small varied key of numbers and letters assigned by the SAT itself to avoid similarities between your password and others.
Then we have the password which would be 8 characters, combining letters and numbers, which if you don't write it down anywhere, you will usually forget it?How do we recover the SAT password?
How to recover the SAT password
To recover it, you should know that you have to be a taxpayer, that is, an individual. If you represent an entity you will not be able to meet all the requirements for this process and you will have to go to your nearest SAT office.
Here we leave you the direct link where you can consult address, contact, opening hours or how to make an appointment:
If you are an individual, here we go!
1. Go to the SAT website: sat.gob.mx
2. Click on ''Other procedures and services''.
3. Then look for and access ''Generate and update your password''.
4. With your RFC and your private keys .key and .cer, click on ''Start''.
5. Finally it will ask you if we have the electronic signature, depending on your answer here, we will take one or another path which come next. Click!
Recover SAT password with electronic signature
If you chose the YES option, follow these steps:
1. You won't have any problems with your RFC and your .key and .cer keys. Select them, pass the human verification, and click ''Send''.
2. Here you will be able to enter your new password. Remember that it will be based on eight alphanumeric characters. Repeat it twice for the system to make sure it is written correctly, and also from fordatarecovery we recommend you to write it down somewhere, so you won't have to repeat all this tedious process!
3.Done! You have successfully reset your SAT password.
Recover SAT password without electronic signature
If instead you chose the NO option, because you do not have the electronic signature, you must follow these steps:
1. Here you only need to enter your RFC and the captcha code. Click ''Accept''.
2. Enter your email account, but remember that it must be the one you used when you registered with the SAT.
3. You will be sent an email with all the necessary information to reset your password. You will only have to click on the link you will find inside the email.
4. It will take you directly to the official SAT website, type your RFC again, and click on ''Validate''.
5. Type your password several times to make sure you get it right, and that's it!
6. Now you can carry out all the procedures you want!
Remember that if you represent an entity you will have to go in person to the offices and solve the problem there, and if any of these steps fails, or there is any doubt you are not sure about, there is nothing like contacting the main entity to solve them.
ForDataRecovery will always be there to solve the tangled world of the Internet!