Welcome to our article on how to format your messages and write with different fonts in WhatsApp. In this tutorial, we will show you step by step how to change the font in WhatsApp and how to format your messages in a simple way. In addition, we will give you some tricks to change the font in WhatsApp and choose different font sizes. Let's get started!
1. How to change the font in WhatsApp
If you're tired of the default WhatsApp font and want to give a personal touch to your messages, you're in luck. Next, we explain how to change the font in WhatsApp:
- Open the WhatsApp application on your mobile device.
- Go to the conversation where you want to change the font.
- Write the message you want to send.
- Before sending the message, add three inverted accent marks (```), also known as grave accents, at the beginning and end of the text. For example: ```Hello```.
- Once you've added inverted accents, the text will display in a different font.
- Send the message and see how the new font looks.
And that's it! Now you can surprise your friends with messages in different fonts on WhatsApp.
2. How to format text in WhatsApp
In addition to changing the font, WhatsApp also allows you to format your messages using bold, italics, and strikethrough. Here's how to do it:
- Bold: To write in bold, simply add an asterisk (*) to the beginning and end of the word or phrase you want to highlight. For example: *Hello*.
- Italics: To write in italics, add an underscore (_) to the beginning and end of the word or phrase you want to highlight. For example: _Hello_.
- Strikethrough: To write in strikethrough, add a tilde (~) to the beginning and end of the word or phrase you want to highlight. For example: ~Hello~.
That easy! Now you can give a special touch to your messages on WhatsApp using different text formats.
3. FAQ
Can I combine different text formats in the same message?
Yes, you can combine different text formats in the same WhatsApp message. For example, you can write one word in bold and another in italics. Just be sure to add the corresponding characters to the beginning and end of each word or phrase you want to highlight.
Is there any limitation regarding font size in WhatsApp?
WhatsApp does not offer an option to change the font size directly. However, you can use tricks like writing in all caps or using large emojis to simulate a larger font size. Remember that the final font size will depend on the device and configuration of each user.
In summary, in this article we have learned how to format our messages and write with different fonts in WhatsApp. We have seen how to change the font using inverted accents and how to format text using bold, italics and strikethrough. We have also answered some frequently asked questions related to the topic. We hope that this information has been useful to you and that you can make the most of the text formatting options in WhatsApp. Have fun customizing your messages and see you next time!
Article written by the fordatarecovery.com team