In the world of instant messaging, WhatsApp has become one of the most popular and used applications. However, sometimes it can be confusing to understand the meaning of the different ticks and status icons that appear in our conversations. In this article, we will answer all your questions and explain what these symbols in WhatsApp imply.
What do the different ticks on WhatsApp mean?
One of the most important aspects to take into account when using WhatsApp are the ticks that appear next to our messages. These ticks indicate the delivery and reading status of our messages. Below, we explain what each of them means:
1. Check gris o azul
The gray check means that your message has been successfully sent from your device, but has not yet been delivered to the recipient. On the other hand, the blue check indicates that your message has been delivered and read by the recipient.
2. Doble check azul
The double blue check is a symbol that indicates that your message has been delivered and read by the recipient. It is important to note that the recipient can disable the read receipt in their privacy settings, so in some cases you will not see the double blue check even if your message has been read.
3. Clock
The clock icon appears when your message has been successfully sent from your device, but has not yet been delivered to the WhatsApp server. This can occur when you do not have a stable Internet connection or when the recipient does not have access to the Internet at the time. Once the message is delivered to the server, the clock will disappear and the corresponding check will be displayed.
How to hide the seen on WhatsApp?
If you don't want your contacts to know when you've read their messages, WhatsApp offers you the option to disable the read receipt. To do so, follow these steps:
- Open WhatsApp on your device.
- Go to Settings or Settings.
- Select Account.
- Go to Privacy.
- Turn off the Read Receipt option.
Once you've turned off the read receipt, your contacts will only see the gray check instead of the double blue check when you read their messages.
How to interpret the status icons in WhatsApp?
In addition to ticks, WhatsApp also uses status icons to indicate the status of your contacts. Next, we explain what these icons imply:
1. Online
The Online icon appears next to a contact's name when that person is currently using WhatsApp. This indicates that you will likely be able to receive a quick response if you send them a message.
2. Last time
The Last Time icon shows the time a contact was last active on WhatsApp. This can be useful to know if that person has read your recent messages or is available to chat.
3. Writing
The Typing icon appears when a contact is composing a message in real time. This tells you that the person is online and responding to your messages.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can I turn off the read receipt for only some contacts?
No, the option to disable the read receipt applies to all your WhatsApp contacts. It is not possible to select specific contacts to hide viewing.
2. What does it mean when the watch doesn't disappear after sending a message?
If the watch does not disappear after sending a message, there may be several reasons. Check your Internet connection and make sure you have a stable signal. It is also possible that the recipient does not have access to the Internet at the time, preventing the message from being delivered.
In short, ticks and status icons in WhatsApp are important indicators to understand the status of your messages and the availability of your contacts. Now that you know what it means, you can use this information to communicate more effectively through the app. Remember that you can always adjust your privacy preferences in WhatsApp settings to adapt the experience to your needs.
We hope that this article has resolved all your questions about ticks and status icons in WhatsApp. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave us a comment and we will be happy to help you.
Until next time,
The fordatarecovery.com team