How to recover old lost CUDs
If you need the old tax returns, or you have simply lost the previously downloaded ones, what you can do is access the Revenue Agency website!
You can indeed retrieve the CUDs directly online from the Revenue Agency website without making any requests, no queues at the office or storming the employer with calls or e-mails. That's how:
- Go to the fisconline website, enter your Username and credentials, or the SPID or the national services card.
- Once in the menu on the left click on Consultations, Then Tax Drawer and finally on Personal tax drawer.
- Click on Tax declaration and Single Certification then on the magnifying glass or on the protocol to view and download all the CUDs, even from previous years.
The request and recovery of the CUD by the Revenue Agency
Are you struggling to find the answers online and need some extra help? Know that if you have not kept your old certifications, you can ask them directly to the Revenue Agency. Let's see how!
- Through the website of the Revenue Agency, download a tax return copy request form and complete it in its entirety.
- Once the form has been filled in, you must submit it tocompetent office of the Revenue Agency with payment through the F23 form (it costs € 3,10 for the first page and € 0,15 for each subsequent page, plus a stamp duty of € 16 for every four sides).
The answer should arrive after a few business days!
Single Certification 2020: how to obtain it from the INPS website
You can retrieve the model for your 2020 Single Certification from the INPS website directly online in a few simple steps, let's see them together:
- Log in to the service using your credentials (CIE, SPID, PIN or CNS).
- View and download the template, then print and fill it out.
A second alternative for check the contributions paid it is represented by the citizen's social security file on the INPS website.
- Access your Citizen's Social Security Record using your social security number, device PIN, SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or digital certificate of the National Services Card (CNS) via a smart card reader or USB port.
- Once you have entered the file, you will be able to access various functions from the menu: click on Insurance Position to view thepension account statement, i.e. how many contributions have been paid by your employers.
Download and retrieve the CUD from NoiPA
Viewing and downloading your CUD from the NoiPAi site is really simple, you can do it in no time thanks to our guide. That's how:
- Go to the NoiPA portal and access your reserved area by entering your login credentials (tax code and password) or the National Service Card.
- In the Personal documents you will find the model that you can consult online or print. This certification will be available for 5 years.
How to recover the CUD: request it from the client
A possible solution is to request the old CUD directly from the employer, but remember that theretention obligation is only for five years. We recommend that you request the CUD from your boss or HR manager via:
- Mail PEC certified
- Registered mail with return receipt
Only in this way will you have the certainty of receiving an answer for sure, since both have legal value!