How to open RZR

Preliminary information

How to open RZR

Before getting to the heart of this guide and showing you, concretely, how to open RZR file, let me give you a brief overview of the contents of this file category.

Typically, files with the .rzr extension represent nothing more than files compressed with RAR algorithm, a particular compression system able to offer efficient results, both in terms of "saving" of space occupied in memory, and as regards the integrity of the resulting file.

In the vast majority of cases, the RZR files you come across on the Net can be managed by the same applications dedicated to RAR files, as long as you apply some small precautions before opening, such as changing the file extension, or "force Opening the archive with the chosen program. It will be my care, in the following chapters of this tutorial, to explain to you how to correctly access the content of the aforementioned files.

How to open RZR file on PC

Having clarified the nature of RZR files, the time has come to understand how to access their content through the computer, using the operating systems Windows MacOS.


How to open RZR

If you own a computer equipped with Windows, the first thing you need to do is install a program that can manage RAR archives: in this regard, I recommend that you consider 7-Zip, a completely free and open source archive manager compatible with most of the currently existing compression formats, including the RAR format.

To get it, connect to the program's website and click on the link of Download matching there Windows version in use (64-bit or 32-bit), located in the first table above. Once you have the installation file, start it and click on the buttons Yes, install e Close, to finish installing the program.

Once the program is installed, right-click on file RZR of your interest, select the item 7-Zip from the contextual menu displayed and, subsequently, choose the item apri, to open the file and view its compressed content, or the entry Extract [file name], to extract all the archive files into a folder with the same name.

Alternatively, you can "transform" the RZR file into a real RAR file by changing its extension: first, open theFile Explorer Windows (the icon in the form of gialla poster located on the system tray), click on the tab Show and apponi il segno di spunta accanto alla voce Extensions file names, in order to make the file extensions visible in memory.

Afterwards, right click on the file RZR of your interest, choose the item Rhinomine from the context menu displayed on the screen and change the file extension (the last three letters after the dot) from .rzr.rar. Finally, press the key Submit on the keyboard, click on the button Yes and that's it: starting from this moment, you can follow the same procedure seen above to extract the archive in a "direct" way, or double-click on the file to view its contents in 7-Zip.

You should know that, besides 7-Zip, there are other programs that can efficiently manage RAR files (and, consequently, RZR files), such as WinRAR o WinZip, which I told you about in my program guide to open RAR files.

Note: in case of multi-volume .rzr archives (e.g. a series of files with the same name, ending in 001.rzr, 002.rzr and so on), you have to copy all the files inside the same folder and open, as I showed you earlier, the one with the lowest number or no numbers in the name.


How to open RZR

The discussion above for Windows also applies to MacOS: the first thing to do to open an RZR file on the Mac, therefore, is to download a program that can manage archives in RAR format, which could be The Unarchiver.

To get it, go to this website, click on the button View in Mac App Store, to open the macOS store: when this happens, press the buttons Get e Install and finally, enter the password for your Apple ID, when requested, to complete the installation of the program (or use the touch ID, if you have a Mac equipped with this component).

At this point, you can follow two different paths: have The Unarchiver manage all the .rzr files and extract them simply with a double click, or rename the current file, so as to make it identical to a .rar archive.

In the first case, do this: right click on the file RZR of your interest, choose the item Get information from the menu that appears and, in the window that opens, expand the section Open withby clicking on the button placed in its correspondence.

Then select The Unarchiver from the drop-down menu that appears at the bottom and, to save the changes, click on the button Edit all e Continue. If, on the other hand, you prefer to rename the file to turn it into a .rar archive, expand the section Name and extension and replace the extension .rar to extension .rzr.

Regardless of your choice, to view the file in question, simply double-click on it and wait for the contents to be extracted to the current folder. If, on the other hand, you want to make The Unarchiver ask you in which folder to extract the files, open the program by calling it from the Launchpad macOS, click on the tab Extraction located on its main screen and set the drop-down menu Extract archives to su Request a destination folder. Easier than that?

For more information about the management of RAR archives (and, consequently, of RZR type files) on macOS, I refer you to reading the specific guide I have dedicated to the topic.

How to open RZR files on smartphones and tablets

You do not have a computer and, for this reason, you would like to understand how to open RZR file making use of yours smartphone o tablet? In this case, the procedures that I am about to illustrate below, relating to operating systems, will be very useful Android e iOS / iPadOS.


How to open RZR

Before you can even view the contents of an RZR file on Android, it is necessary to “transform” it into a RAR archive, changing its extension. To be able to do this, you need to have a file manager, such as Google Files (pre-installed in the most recent versions of the "Big G" operating system): once you have the app, start it, tap the buttons Continue Allow, to authorize access to the memory; then, tap on the tab Shop by Department, then on the voice Internal Memory and go to the folder that contains the file of your interest (eg. Download).

Once you've located the aforementioned file, tap the button placed in its correspondence, select the item Rhinomine from the menu that is proposed to you and replace the extension .rzr with the extension .rar, then tap the buttons OK e Rhinomine to confirm the choice made.

At this point, install an app dedicated to managing archives in .rar format, such as RAR: This application can be downloaded for free from the Play Store but has advertisements, which can be removed by signing up for an annual subscription at the price of 1,19 € (after a free trial of 14 days).

After installing the app, launch it, tap the button Allow, in order to allow you to access the memory and / or SD card of the device and, to disable advertising tracking, touch the buttons No, see ADS that are less relevant Agree.

Finally, select the folder in which the previously renamed file is contained and the game is done: if everything went the right way, a screen should open containing the files included in the archive, which you can open individually by tapping on the relative icons.

If you are interested in extracting one or more files, put the check mark next to their names, tap the icon extract located in the upper right corner (the one with the book and up arrow), select the folder where to extract the files and tap the button OK to finalize the file extraction.

For further information on the use of the app I just told you about, or to learn about other applications aimed at managing archives in RAR / RZR format, I refer you to reading my tutorial on how to open RAR files on Android.

iOS / iPadOS

How to open RZR

Currently, operating systems iOS e iPadOS they do not allow you to change file extensions in memory; for this reason, you must transform the file in question into a RAR archive, using another operating system (which could be Windows, macOS or Android) by following the instructions I gave you previously.

Once the archive in question has been renamed, send it back to the iPhone or iPad, using the method you prefer (email, chat, AirDrop and so on); after that, you can open it using Readdle documents, a file manager, available for free on the App Store, capable of viewing any type of file on iOS and iPadOS, including RAR archives.

Anyway, once the app is downloaded, launch it, tap the button Continue and choose you want work with files Office; then, press the button again Continuescegli se add a Cloud service or if configure the option later, indicates se allow or not app notifications and when you're done, press the buttons NEXT e Later to skip the purchase of iPDF.

At this point, that's it: tap on the tab My files located on the main screen of the app and select the folder where the RAR file you intend to open resides; at this point, you just have to tap on his name to extract its contents into a folder of the same name.

Alternatively, if it is more convenient for you, you can open the file directly from the app from which you received it (eg. Mail from Apple) and, to view its contents, touch the sharing (the square with the up arrow) and select the item Copy to Documents from the menu displayed on the screen. Once this is done, you just have to touch the name of the file you just copied, to extract its contents.

How to open RZR

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