How to know who a house is registered to

Preliminary information

How to know who a house is registered to

Before going into the tutorial and actually seeing how to know who a house is registered to, let me give you some preliminary information that will allow you to have a clear idea of ​​the operations you will need to carry out to be able to complete your "business".

What you need to do to trace the owner of a property is to contact theInland Revenue, physically going to one of its offices, and submit a specific application. The owner of the house will not be informed of the execution of this request.

In order for the request to be successful, you must be in possession of the identification details of the property: the sheet particle and, in the case of apartments, also the under: if you do not have this information, you could get help from the Revenue Agency consultant who will provide you with assistance, in order to obtain it and proceed with the identification of the owner of the property of your interest.

As for the Revenue Agency website, know that this, at the moment, only allows you to trace how many and which properties are owned by a person, using the tax code of the latter (therefore the reverse procedure to the one you would like do you). If you know the tax code of a person (for example one of your parents or any other person), you can trace the number of properties in their name by following the instructions I will give you in a dedicated chapter of this tutorial.

Know to whom a house is registered at the AE offices

How to know who a house is registered to

As I told you a few lines above, however know to whom a house is registered, you have to go to the offices of the Revenue Agency, as it is not currently possible to perform this procedure via the Internet. The data of the properties present throughout the national territory, in fact, can be consulted at the AE offices throughout the city, except for the offices of Trento and Bolzano, which are managed by the respective autonomous provinces.

To check where the nearest Revenue Agency is located, all you have to do is connect to its website and proceed with the search. Therefore, connect to this page and click on the link corresponding to yours regione (Eg. Lombardy, Latium, Calabria, Apulia, etc.), or click the point on the map of your interest. On the page that opens, click on the link that corresponds to province of your interest (eg. Milan, Rome, Cosenza, Lecce, etc.) and, after taking note of the address of the nearest Revenue Agency, go there to proceed with your request.

I remind you that, in order to proceed with your request, you must be aware of the data of the property of your interest (sheet, particle and, in the case of apartments, under) and indicate this data in the form available on the Revenue Agency website (and which should also be available in the office where you will go).

Once you have filled out the form in question and applied the brand of services on it (in the appropriate box located at the top right of the same) or you will have made the payment through one of the other available options (eg model F24, POS, etc.), you will have to go to the territorial office closest to you to present the application and request the cadastral data you need.

Knowing who a home is registered online

How to know who a house is registered to

As I have already explained to you in the previous lines, at present it is not possible to know to whom a house is registered online. What can be done is to trace how many and which properties are owned by a person whose name, surname and date of birth are known.

If you are interested in this possibility, to be able to take advantage of it, connected to the official website of the Revenue Agency, click on the item City located at the top left and select the item Buildings and land from the menu that opens. Then expand the box Building and land services, click the link Cadastral findings present nella sezione Consultation of cadastral and mortgage data and click the blue button "Revenue / Fisconline" telematic services present on the page Cadastral findings that opens.

Now, to view the properties owned by a person, you need to access the service. Then click on one of the buttons located on the right to choose the method to log in: Log in with SPID, in case you want to log in using your SPID credentials; Log in with Agency credentials, if you want to access through the account that you must have previously created on the Revenue Agency website or Log in with smart card, in case you have an active smart card.

If you have opted for access through the Revenue Agency account but you have not yet created one, go to this page, put the check mark next to the box Individuals e, dopo see apposto il segno di spunta sulla casella I declare that I have read the legislationclick on your button Request the Pin code. Then fill out the form displayed by providing yours in the appropriate text fields fiscal Code and your latest information tax return, dopodiché clicca sul pulsating Send I will continue.

If you have performed the above procedure correctly, you will receive the second part of the PIN to access the online services of the Revenue Agency, while the first part will be sent to you together with the password to access the site within 15 days, by ordinary mail.

Once logged in, click on the item first Mortgage and cadastral services, Real Estate Market Observatory located on the left and then on the link Cadastral findings always located on the left. On the page that opens, if you are prompted to do so, type yours PIN in the text field and click first Log in and then Confirm reading.

Now select, through the appropriate drop-down menu, the province where the building you are interested in is located, specify if it belongs to one physical person or to one legal person on the menu Subject and click sul pulsating Confirmation.

Next, specify the Common where the building of your interest is located and the type of land registry where you want the search to be done (eg. Manufactured), through the appropriate drop-down menus. Finally, type the fiscal Code of the person whose properties you want to check and click on the button Research, to get the data you need, as long as it is available.

In case of problems or doubts

How to know who a house is registered to

If you've come to read this far in the guide, you've evidently found it problems or concerns in tracing the identity of the owner of a certain property. Well, if that's the case, I suggest you take a look at this page of the Agenzia delle Entrate website, through which you can find some general information that could be useful to you.

If you are not able to solve the problems you have encountered independently, contact the cadastral and mortgage assistance service of the Revenue Agency by phone, by email or by booking an appointment, as reported on this page.

How to know who a house is registered to

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