How to contact Mediaworld

How to contact MediaWorld online

Among the first solutions you can consider for contact MediaWorld there are support channels available on the official website of the famous chain of electronics stores. By doing so, you will be able to obtain information of various kinds and request assistance via email or, if you prefer, immediate contact in real time, even via chat. Find everything explained in detail right below.

How to contact MediaWorld by email

How to contact Mediaworld

Be your intention è contact MediaWorld by email, connected to the official website of the famous chain of electronics stores, click on the item Helpat the top right, and select the option Contact us give the menu check if you press.

In the new screen that appears, indicate why you are contacting MediaWorld by choosing one of the available options from Information for online purchases, Information for our shops in the city e Order placed online. In the latter case, enter your account details in the fields Email e Password and click on the button Log in, to login.

Now, locate the item Contact us, click on the option Clicking here and, if you are requesting support for an order placed online, select the order of your interest from those visible on the screen. Once this is done, regardless of the reason for which you are contacting MediaWorld, specify thetopic (Payments and billing, Warranty and assistance, Product availability, Place an order etc.) and the details (I have problems in the purchasing process, Out of stock, Manufacturer's warranty etc.) of your request through the appropriate drop-down menus.

At this point, read carefully what is reported in the section Suggestions and put the check mark next to the option of your interest between Yes e No, indicating if your problem has been resolved. If not, enter your personal data in the fields Your name, Last name ed Email and, if you wish, also specify yours fiscal Code, your telephone number and yours address.

Finally, enter yours message in the appropriate field, put the check mark next to the option I'm not a robot, to verify your identity, and click on your button Send, to send your message to the MediaWorld staff, who will respond within 24 hours.

How to contact Mediaworld

If you prefer to proceed from a smartphone or tablet, start the MediaWorld app for Android or iPhone devices, press the ☰ button, at the top left, locate the section Support and tap on the item Contact us. In the new screen that appears, select the option of your interest among Support for online purchases e Support for in-store purchases, locate the item You still have doubts e premi sull'opzione Contact us by mail.

Now, specify thetopic of your request through the appropriate drop-down menu, read the possible solutions proposed on the screen and, if your problem persists or you have not obtained the information you are looking for, tap the button No visible near the item Have we solved your problem?.

At this point, enter the required data in the fields Your name, Last name ed Email, add your message in the field add comment and press pulsating Send the request, to send the message in question.

How to contact Mediaworld

Have you already placed an order and would like to receive assistance? In that case, click on the button Log in visible on the main screen of the MediaWorld app, enter your data in the fields Username (email) e Password e fai tap sul pulsating Log in, to login.

Press, then, on the ☰ button, select the option Order Process from the menu that is proposed to you and, in the new screen displayed, tap the button Contact us related to the order of your interest. At this point, select the subject of your request via the drop-down menu Topic, follow the instructions provided in the section Detail and, if your problem persists, press the button No.

Verify, therefore, that the data shown on the screen are correct, describe the problem found in the field add comment e fai tap sul pulsating Send the request, to contact MediaWorld and request assistance on the order in question.

How to contact MediaWorld via chat

How to contact Mediaworld

If you prefer to speak to a real-life MediaWorld operator and get real-time assistance, you'll be pleased to know that you can take advantage of the support service. via chat offered by the famous electronics chain.

If you think this is the solution that best suits your needs, then connect to the official MediaWorld website, click on the option Help, at the top right, and select the item Contact us from the menu that is proposed to you. In the newly opened page, click on the option Do you need help? (if you do not see it, you may have to wait a few moments), enter the required data in the fields Name surname, Email e Message and click on the button starts, to start the chat and get in direct contact with an operator.

At this point, enter your message in the field Write your message here, click on sulthe icon of clip, to add any attachments, and press the icon of thepaper airplane to send it. To end the conversation, instead, press the button Xclick sulla voce Send me a transcript if you wish to receive the transcript of the chat by email and click on the button Logout.

Please note that the chat service is not available from smartphones and tablets, neither by using the MediaWorld app nor by accessing its official website (not even by activating the desktop version of the latter).

How to contact MediaWorld via social network

How to contact Mediaworld

Among the solutions you can consider to contact MediaWorld there are also the social networks. In fact, the famous chain of electronics stores has a Facebook page and a Twitter profile, through which it also provides assistance to its customers.

To contact MediaWorld via Facebook, start the app of the famous social network for Android or iPhone / iPad devices and connect to the official page of the service (searching for it, if necessary, using the search bar located at the top).

At this point, click on the icon of speech bubble, to start Messenger, the Facebook application for sending messages. Then enter your message in the text field at the bottom and press the button Submit keyboard, to send it.

From a computer, on the other hand, connected to the official MediaWorld page, click on the button Send a message and enter your request in the field Type a message present in the window that has opened at the bottom right. Then press the icon of thepaper airplane (or the key Submit keypad), to send your message, and that's it.

If you prefer to contact MediaWorld via Twitter, start the official app of the service for Android or iOS / iPadOS devices (or access the official website of the social network from your PC) and access the official @Media_World profile. Now, click on the icon of envelope, to send a private message, enter yours message in the appropriate field and press on the paper airplane icon to send it.

How to contact MediaWorld by phone

How to contact Mediaworld

If you are wondering if it is possible contact MediaWorld by phone, you will be glad to know that the answer is yes. In fact, a toll-free number is available that allows both to obtain information of various kinds and to request assistance on any purchases made online. The service in question is available from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 19.00.

To proceed, pick up your phone, dial the number 800.882288 and start the call. After listening to the welcome message, press the key combination of your interest: 1 to obtain information and assistance on orders placed online; 2 to obtain information on addresses, timetables and products available in physical stores e 3 for questions related to the loyalty program of MediaWorld (the keys may change, so listen carefully to the indications of the guide voice).

If, on the other hand, you want to contact a physical store in your area directly, connect to the official MediaWorld website and click on the option Shops present in the top menu. In the new screen that appears, enter the address or location of your interest in the field Enter a city or postcode and press the icon of magnifying glass, to view the interactive map with MediaWorld stores in your vicinity.

At this point, click on place card related to the store of your interest, press the button See detail and, in the newly opened page, you will be able to view the details of the store in question, including the phone number.

How to contact Mediaworld

To proceed from smartphone and tablet, instead, start the MediaWorld app, tap the ☰ button and select the option Find stores from the menu that is proposed to you. In the new screen that appears, then specify your province via the drop-down menu Select a province, do tap sul place card related to the store of your interest and press the button Go to the tab, to view their phone number and all other details. Easy, right?

How to contact Mediaworld

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