For engineering, technical and architectural, two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing, the software AutoCAD it is almost universal and also the best.
I do not really know if it is the fault of the monopoly of AutoDesk, the company that produces AutoCad or for the actual excellence of this program but there are not many alternatives.
Unfortunately, no software is perfect and no matter how useful or feature-packed it is; AutoCAD is no exception.
An important feature that AutoCAD lacks is the ability to export a drawing to a PDF, the standard of business documents.
For those who need convert Autocad DWG files to PDF, I recommend using the program DWG TrueView, official from Autodesk and free. The program is small and free and works with all CAD files created by any version of AutoCad. Now, to convert a DWG file to PDF, you can press the TrueView logo on the top left, then go to Export and choose PDF from the menu. Then pressing on Plot it is possible to choose how to export the file and the quality of the PDF to be generated.
The program also works as a DWG file viewer, to open CAD projects even without installing the AutoCad program.
Another interesting feature of the DWGgateway software is the ability to open any dwg files created with previous versions of Autocad and convert them to the version you have on your computer. It becomes a nice relief to be able to open drawings and .dwg files created with other AutoCAD versions (otherwise it could not be done) so as not to have to update the program and to continue viewing the old files created with previous versions.
La conversion from a PDF file to Autocad file can be obtained from the web application ZamZar, from the site OnlineConvertFree and also using CloudConvert
To those who are not satisfied with the DWG TrueView program I can say that Autodesk provides other programs that read DWG files, open them, convert them and allow them to be printed as Autodesk Design Review and allows you to add markups to DWG files as well.
To finish the discussion, assisted drawings can be created Cad 2D, without Autocad, with the software QCAD, or with LibreCad, free CAD program for Windows, Linux and Mac. With QCAD you can create technical drawings such as building plans, interiors or diagrams.