Without therefore trying to artificially change one's mood using courses of scoundrels that give more the feeling of manipulating minds rather than motivating them, let's try to watch some of these videos extracted from famous films, certainly more poetic and interesting.
This is a collection of short YouTube videos, with famous and famous scenes from some films that, personally, I always find exciting and motivating and that is worth seeing or reviewing.
1) From the film "The Pursuit of Happiness" by Muccino, Will Smith gives a speech to his son that can be summed up in one sentence: "If you want something go and chase it! Point!"

2) From the beautiful film "The Big Kahuna" comes one of the most beautiful monologues in cinema that can be an inspiration for anyone's life, not if it is motivational but certainly leaves its mark.
3) In the movie "Americani", you have to hear the somewhat rude speech that the head of the real estate agency, played by Alec Baldwin, makes to his colleagues
This video is not that inspiring and is perhaps a negative way to motivate, but it hits deep like a punch in the stomach, dedicated to all those who need to react to inertia.

4) From the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with Brad Pitt, it is worth listening to the short but intense speech on life:
5) Sports movies give us the best motivational speeches and, in particular, it is worth seeing Al Pacino in "Every cursed Sunday".

6) Always sporty but more poetic is Will Smith's speech, in "The legend of Bagger Vance", based on Golf but very enlightening and certainly motivational.

7) From the film "Invictus" dedicated to Nelson Mandela, a poem that should be taught by heart in schools.
8) Finally, the video of the training from "Rocky 4", with the soundtrack "Heart's on fire" that cannot but give the energy!
There are many more motivational videos on Youtube, some taken from films, others with original content.
Feel free to leave a comment if you have a favorite!
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