If our PC or wireless device is too far away to properly exploit the 5 GHz network of our modem and / or we want to avoid using the 2,4 GHz network (always very clogged and full of interference) we see in this guide how to best use 5 GHz WiFi repeaters, so as to bring this type of signal to every room of the house without worrying too much about distances and maintaining a good speed in all conditions.
How to increase coverage with a fast Wi-Fi network
Nowadays we have two methods to be able to increase the coverage with a fast Wi-Fi network: use a classic Wi-Fi repeater with 5 GHz network support (cheaper but less effective) or create a Mesh network that covers the whole house (more expensive but much more effective, being able to guarantee the maximum speed in almost every point of the house). Obviously the choice between one method and the other depends on the size of the house to be covered, the distance between the modem and the various rooms and the economic availability (more than € 300 may be needed to cover the largest homes).
Mesh network or WiFi repeater?
As already explained in another guide, with rete wifi Mesh we mean a network of devices capable of accomplishing a wireless network with very efficient data transmission, with more effective coverage but as we add Mesh modules to the network. The devices or Mesh modules communicate with each other to choose the fastest route each time, so as to make the data travel as quickly as possible to the modem.

While previously this solution was the prerogative of corporate networks or office networks, today we can create a Mesh Wi-Fi network even at home, so as to amplify and enhance the coverage of the 5 GHz WiFi network, which is the type of network that most of all benefits from the effects of a network with these characteristics. With the Mesh network we will get the best benefits in taking advantage of the 5 GHz WiFi network in more than two rooms: just place the Mesh modules at the right distance between them (the signal must be strong between the various devices) to finally create a large network 5 GHz mesh that covers virtually every corner of the house.
If we have a small house or smaller than 80 square meters it is useless to spend all this money on the Mesh network but we can aim for a simpler 5 GHz WiFi repeater, so as to quickly and easily expand the wireless network of the modem only towards the point of the house that is still "discovered" or where the 5 GHz signal arrives very weak.
The best 5 GHz WiFi repeaters for Mesh networks
To make the most of the Mesh networks we can focus on one of the following devices, all suitable to be used in cascade as we need more coverage for our 5 GHz WiFi network.Google Wifi
One of the best devices to create a Mesh network is Google Nest Wifi (2nd generation), available from here in single unit -> Google Wifi, Wifi Mesh system (125 €) or in triple system from here -> Google Wifi, Wifi Mesh system to 3 units (259 €).

By installing one or more Google WiFi at home we will be able to increase the coverage of our WiFi network effectively and completely, so as to cover all points of the house. We can connect the primary device (the one that connects to the modem) both via Ethernet cable and via WiFi, then cascade all the others necessary so as to bring the 5 GHz signal beyond the walls, in the rooms where the modem signal does not arrive. . In addition to the 5 GHz network, it provides 2,4 GHz connectivity, excellent for connecting home automation devices or smartphones even when far from the modem (obviously the transmission speed will be lower). In order to configure them correctly it is necessary to use theGoogle Home app, available for free download for Android and iPhone.
Amazon Eero
Amazon's mesh network is really easy to use, with support for 5Ghz and 2.4GHz networks, with automatic switching between one and the other network. The device creates a wifi network separate from the router's main network in order to keep it safe from external intrusions. Very easy to install, immediate to configure, just plug it in and then use the eero smartphone app to name the network. The name can be the same as an existing wifi network so you don't have to reconnect all the wifi devices in your home.
Eero Mesh Wifi can, of course, be bought on Amazon as a single piece or a pack of three if you need to increase coverage in a more spacious environment.
Netgear Orbi
A good alternative to Google Wifi to create a Mesh network at home and expand the wireless coverage is Netgear RBK30 Orbi, with the kits of 2 or 3 devices available here -> Netgear RBK30 Orbi kit of 2 (380 €) and Netgear RBK30 Orbi kit from 3 (€ 560).

We can place the Orbi devices anywhere in the house and have them communicate via the automatically created Mesh network, so as to expand the existing 5 GHz WiFi network and bring it to all the rooms where a fast Internet connection is needed. We choose the quantity of Orbi devices suitable for the size of our home and connect one of the devices to our WiFi network; the remaining modules can be configured automatically using the specific app downloadable from here -> NETGEAR Orbi (Android) and NETGEAR Orbi (iOS).
FRITZ! Box modems can function as modules of a proprietary Mesh network, to which we can connect both other FRITZ! Box modems and FRITZ! Repeaters. dedicated. The first step in creating this fast FRITZ! it is the choice of a modem; the best for value for money is definitely the AVM FRITZ! Box 4040 (70 €).

Once connected to the telephone socket or to the proprietary modem (in case we choose to make one waterfall), all we have to do is buy one or more AVM FRITZ! Repeater 2400 repeaters (90 €).
Now that we have everything we need, let's connect the FRITZ! to the power sockets in the rooms where the 5 GHz Wi-Fi signal does not reach, we access the interface of the FRITZ! Box modem and go to Home network -> Mesh, so as to enable the Mesh network on the modem (which will function as a Master, that is, as a distribution center for the entire network); after that, we configure all the FRITZ! repeaters one by one. so that we have the same characteristics as the main network.

The speed of the network generated by the repeaters will be practically identical to that obtainable from the modem network, without configuring further steps and without having to create another network (in fact, the same network name and password are always used on all devices) .
The best simple 5 GHz WiFi repeaters
If we don't have that much money to spend, we can expand the 5 GHz WiFi network at home using a simple WiFi repeater, which will hook into the main network and expand it without using Mesh. Obviously the performance will be lower than a Mesh network, but at least we will be able to connect without problems and still get a good speed.TP-Link WiFi repeater
One of the best Wi-Fi repeaters that we can place at home is the TP-Link AC1200 Dual Band WiFi Repeater (33 €).

This small device is placed in an electrical socket, connects via WPS button to the network of our modem and is immediately ready to amplify the signal: the password for accessing the new network is identical to the one generated by the modem, just as the network name (EXT is appended to the modem network name). This repeater can handle both the 2,4 GHz signal and the 5 GHz signal, although we highly recommend connecting it to the modem's 5 GHz network and configuring its signal to work in dual band (i.e. split the band into 2,4, 5 GHz and XNUMX GHz), so that a large number of distant devices can be connected.
Netgear WiFi repeater
Another very useful repeater is the Netgear EX6150 WiFi Repeater, which we can find here -> Netgear EX6150 WiFi Repeater (39 €).

Simple and automatic configuration via WPS, control lights to check the connection with the modem and with the amplified networks, which keep the name (with the addition of a suffix to distinguish them) and the password of the original network. Compatible with both 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
D-Link Range Extender
One of the cheapest and most complete devices that we can evaluate is the D-Link DAP-1620 Range Extender (37 €).

Also in this case we can quickly connect to the wireless network of the modem via the WPS button and amplify both the 5 GHz network (preferable) and the 2,4 GHz network. This repeater has two foldable antennas, great for those looking for a solution. compact but elegant to see even in refined living rooms or bedrooms (we can always close the antennas, but we will lose some coverage and speed).
To increase the Internet coverage we will necessarily have to amplify the 5 GHz network of our modem, the only one that allows all our devices to travel at maximum speed avoiding interference. For large homes we can create a Mesh WiFi network, while for smaller homes or for those who want to save money, comfortable and practical Wi-Fi repeaters are available (in any case less fast and accurate than the Mesh network).
If we don't know how a Wi-Fi range extender or repeater works, we can learn more by reading the guide How does the wifi repeater or "Range Extender" work and which one to buy.
Do we also want to use electrical sockets to carry the Internet signal? In this case we will have to take advantage of the Powerline technology, as seen in our article Internet on the electrical outlet with the Powerline.
Best 5 GHz WiFi repeaters, to increase internet coverage