POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

POS Easy Axerve: offer and features

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

Axerve offers a variety of point-of-sale collection solutions, including state-of-the-art solutions that involve the use of one Smart POS with Android operating system. The latter is an extremely comfortable and easy to use wireless device characterized by a modern and elegant design (measures 17,6 x 7,8 x 5,7 cm for 458 grams of weight), but above all from many interesting features.

First, it delivers Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity with multi-operator data SIM included in the offer (which connects to the best network available to ensure maximum coverage both at your point of sale and on the move). It also features touch screen, camera, GPS e integrated printer for printing the receipt on thermal paper (in double copy, one for the merchant and one for the end customer).

It is suitable for the collection and management of more innovative payment systems, including contactless cards belonging to the VISA, Mastercard and PagoBANCOMAT circuits (American Express cards can be accepted by contacting American Express directly, which will arrange the agreement and activation), the most used digital wallets in the world (eg. Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay). This allows us to provide a cutting-edge service to the customer and allows the latter to take advantage of many advantages, including joining initiatives such as the State Cashback; all with the maximum security guaranteed by the PCI PTS 5.x certification available to the POS (more info here).

The POS transaction is can be credited to any in your languagen current account, by bank transfer within the working day following collection. There is no need to open a dedicated current account. That's right: the POS requires a connection to an IBAN in order to work, but it can also be connected to an existing account, including e-money ones (e.g. that of a card with IBAN) and not necessarily a bank account. "traditional"; the important thing is that it is a single-headed account. More info here

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

Il Android POS can be requested from company (SAS, SS, SNC, SRL, SPA or SAPA), freelancers, sole proprietorships e occasional business owners such as non-professional Bed & Breakfasts or hobby activities (in this case also without VAT number). As already mentioned in the opening bars of the guide, there are two purchase formulas available.

  • POS Easy with commissions: without fixed costs. It provides only 1% commission on receipts plus the one-time purchase of the Android PAX A920 Smart POS for 240 euros + VAT. There is a stamp duty for the activation of the service of 16 euros. More info here.
  • POS Easy a canone: provides for a monthly fee that includes the rental of the Android Smart POS, with no permanence restrictions or costs in case of return / return. It costs € 17 + VAT per month for collections up to € 10.000 per year and € 22 + VAT per month for collections from € 10.000 to € 30.000 per year. In case of exceeding the 30.000 euros of collection per year, a commission of 1,5% is applied only on the excess amount. There is a stamp duty for the activation of the service of 16 euros. More info here

Both the commission-based Easy POS and the fee-based Easy POS allow you to take advantage of the tax credit of 30% that, starting from 1 July 2020, merchants can obtain on the commissions paid in relation to payments made by end consumers via credit / debit / prepaid cards or other traceable electronic payment instruments (as required by art. Law Decree 22/124). To take advantage of the tax credit, the merchant must follow the instructions of his accountant, delivering the invoice for the monthly fee (which is sent monthly by Axerve and is always available on the myStore dashboard) and the summary of the operations.

It should be noted that in the case of POS Easy with commissions, the tax relief is applied precisely on the percentage commission applied on the transaction, today equal to 1% without VAT as a bank cost, but not on the purchase cost of the POS. In the case of the fee-based offer, it is applied to the fee, as the latter falls within the type of rate that the government provision defines as "package" (in fact, in addition to including the rental of the terminal it also includes a certain amount of deductible). The calculation does not include any commission of 1,5% + VAT envisaged in the event of exceeding the € 30.000 POS transaction in the year, which is instead considered as a cost applied for the technical execution of the payment (the so-called processing fee) and cannot be included in the acquiring commissions covered by the Law Decree. More info here.

Both solutions also provide the maintenance service with remote support, regulatory adjustments manageable with software updates and assistance on the SIM up to 36 months and for the Easy POS for a feededicated assistance, with a team of expert technicians available free of charge from Monday to Saturday from 07:30 to 22:00 and on Sundays and holidays from 08:00 to 20:00.

How Axerve POS Easy works

At this point, I would say that we can move on to the practical side of the matter and take a closer look how Axerve POS Easy works, then how to request, install and use the Android Smart POS.

POS request

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

It only takes a few simple clicks to request the Axerve Android Smart POS. The procedure globally takes no more than 20 minutes to complete and can be followed both from a computer - more convenient mode, especially for uploading documents - and from smartphones and tablets.

Remember, however, that you need some to proceed with the request papers: if you are a freelance or do you have one individual company, you need the Chamber of Commerce registration or the certificate of registration in the register; if you are a freelance, you need theattribution of the VAT number or, in the case of an associated firm, of the statute of the firm; if you have one instead company (SAS, SS, SNC, SRL, SPA etc.), you need the identity document of all beneficial owners (i.e. all natural persons who have direct or indirect possession or control of a percentage greater than 25% of the share capital or voting rights in the company).

To proceed, you must therefore choose whether to activate the Easy commission offer or the Easy fee offer, by connecting to the respective page, and indicate if you are Freelance or sole proprietorship, Company (Sas, SS, Snc, Srl, Spa etc.) or Occasional Bed & Breakfast (VAT free). Fatto ciò, click on your button Continue.

Now you just have to fill in the form that is proposed to you with the information relating to yours identity (name, surname and tax code), yours contacts (email address and mobile number, which you will need to verify by entering the OTP code you will receive via SMS), yours citizenship and tax references. The latter, of course, change depending on whether you are freelance / sole proprietorship (in this case the VAT number), company (in this case the VAT number, Tax Code of the Company Category and Type company) or you have a Bed & Breakfast or other occasional business (in this case the VAT number is not required).

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

Finally, enter a (if you have it), click the button Continue; enter yours residence data in the new form that is proposed to you and press again on Continue to access the prospectus relating to Legal info: here you must enter the data on your business (e.g. profession, sector and economic activity) and you must tick the boxes relating to privacy, profiling etc.

After this step too, you have to enter i profession details and information related to yours economic profile through the fields that appear below (e.g. income bracket, political exposure, etc .; this is mandatory information for anti-money laundering regulations). Then click on the button Continue.

In the next form that appears, you have to customize the POS offer inserting theteaches to be displayed on the receipt and other information on the Point of sale; then you have to enter the information on the POS terminals to be installed, credit bank details, method of sending periodic communication and l 'address for sending POS communications in paper format.

Scrolling down the page, you have to tick the boxes related to Axerve contract for the POS and attach the Required documentation, through the box below. Then you just have to follow the rest of the instructions on the screen and complete the order. You will receive your POS directly at the specified address within approximately two weeks. More info here.

Installation and payments

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

The Smart POS provided by Axerve makes ease of use one of its main features. As already mentioned, the device is supplied ready for use. It is complete with a multi-operator SIM, able to connect to the best 4G / 3G network available and ensure maximum coverage both inside and outside your business at no additional cost; it also supports Wi-Fi networks and therefore can also be connected to the network of your own Fiber / ADSL connection. It has a built-in long-lasting battery (recharges using the supplied cable, to be connected to the electrical outlet) and includes a printer to print the receipt on thermal paper (also supplied).

The initial configuration of the device, therefore, involves doing little or nothing. Once you have the SIM (under the battery compartment) and the card (in the special compartment at the top), you can turn on the device and access theWhatsapp with which to manage payments, by logging in with your account data.

At the time of payment by the customer, just press the POS power button, type thetransaction amount e premere sul pulsating OK. The customer can then make the payment in mode contactless, approaching hers paper or his smartphone / smartwatch equipped with NFC sensor at the POS or, more traditionally, you can insert the card into the device and enter the PIN using the on-screen virtual keypad.


POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

With the myStore online dashboard (accessible on this page) you can always have under control the payments collected and the transactions made with the POS, manage and reverse payments, view and download invoices and integrate other Axerve products, for example Cashin e Pay by Link.

Cashin is an intelligent safe, dedicated to points of sale and retail chains, to digitize cash; once installed in the store it is possible to deposit banknotes which are credited directly to your account; Axerve takes care of the installation and individual collections (more info here). Pay by Link, on the other hand, is a solution that allows you to request payments by sending an e-mail to your customers and having them pay by credit card; ideal to combine with the POS if you are making home deliveries (more info here).

To request the access codes to the myStore dashboard, simply connect to the dashboard and click on the item Activate your account. You will then have to fill in the form displayed on the screen with the required data (eg. merchant code, VAT number e Tax Code of the legal representative), tick the box relating toacceptance of the contract e premere sul pulsating Continue. Afterward, you will need to check and confirm the e-mail address, enter the activation key received by e-mail and choose PIN e Password to use.

Once you have access to the myStore dashboard, you can use it to manage everything related to the activities related to your POS through an extremely intuitive interface.

For example, for check receipts just select yours Point of sale (if you have more than one) from the left sidebar; after that you have to go to the item Transactions and you will immediately have access to all the latest transactions made with the POS. You can also filter him by terminal, payment method and reference period (using the appropriate menus located at the top), view i details of each transaction (by selecting it) and download the report as an Excel file (by pressing the icon of the arrow collocata in high to back).

Same goes for i cash deposits into the Cashin, which you can access by going to the section Deposits> Payments (always in the left sidebar). To create custom exports di POS transactions o Deposits you can select the item instead Exports from the side menu and then decide the criteria with which to carry out the export (eg for shops, terminals, payment method and more).

Extremely simple is also the download of the Axerve invoices, which can be accessed by selecting items Documentation> Invoicing from the dashboard side menu. Invoices can be sorted by reference period and download as PDF file.

In short, it's all very intuitive. For all the details on the myStore dashboard, however, you can consult the official Axerve website. It should be noted that in 2021 the new Axerve Dashboard (currently in beta, on request only, for e-commerce customers) which will become the only platform to manage all payments, replacing the online and in-store ones. To learn more, please click here.

For more information

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

If you need to more information on POS Easy Axerve, I invite you to consult the FAQ section of the official website, which contains the answers to all the most frequently asked questions regarding the activation and use of the device and all associated services.

In addition, you may find it very useful to visit the Axerve YouTube channel, where videos are constantly published that illustrate the operation of the products and services offered by the company.

Finally, if you need to get in touch directly with Axerve, you can access the Contact section of the official website and choose whether contact a consultant to obtain commercial information or access assistance for technical / practical issues related to the operation of Axerve products.

Article created in collaboration with Axerve.

POS Easy by Axerve: what it is and how it works

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