How to contact Amazon seller

Contact an Amazon seller before placing your order

How to contact Amazon seller

One of Amazon's strengths is certainly the protection of customers: from the advantageous policies on returns and returns to the buyer protection program, it is very rare to run into unexpected events on orders and shipments.

Among the many methods of protection, direct contact with the retailer cannot be missing: Amazon, in fact, provides some simple procedures to directly contact third-party retailers registered in the Marketplace, even before making a purchase, in order to ask questions. inherent to the entire sales procedure. Below I show you all the steps necessary to take advantage of this opportunity both from PC and from smartphones and tablets.

From PC

How to contact Amazon seller

To contact a seller on Amazon from PC, connected to the main page of the famous store, type the name of the item you want to buy (eg. iPhone X) in the search bar at the top and press the button Submit on your computer keyboard. Choose the offer that best suits you from the search results and click on the relevant item to open the page relating to the product details, then take note of the code ASIN/ISBN (With art. B075LYDD7Z) of the chosen product: it is specified in the box Further information, which you can find further down on the page in question (on the right).

At this point, go back to the top of the website, identify the items Sold by [Seller Name]Dispatched from and sold by [Seller Name] attached to the new open page, click on the name of the seller thus found and, within the proposed screen, press the button Contact the seller, which is located at the top right.

Once this is done, if necessary, log in to Amazon by filling in the proposed fields with your personal credentials and clicking on the button Log in. Then put the check mark next to the item An item for sale (on the next page), choose the category of information you need from the drop-down menu Choose and then press the button Write your message.

How to contact Amazon seller

Now, use the text box in the window that opens to type your message (which must not be longer than 4.000 characters), taking care to specify the ASIN / ISBN of the product you noted earlier. If necessary, you can also attach a file using the button Add attachment.

Once you have drawn up the message you want to send, press the button Invia email located at the bottom of the page. The seller will reply to you no later than 2 working days. The answer will be shown in the Communications with Amazon sellers section, which you can access via this link, or by going to the section Accounts and Lists> My Account> Communication Center> Contacts and Notifications sellers by Amazon. You will receive an email when this is available.

The procedure described above can also be applied to the articles included in wish lists: just select an object in the list and, once you reach the details page, follow the same procedure described above.

How do you say? The seller's name is not available on the details page, only the wording Sold and shipped by Amazon? Then you have to ask your questions to Amazon itself - I'll give you instructions to do so later in this guide.

Give smartphone and tablet

How to contact Amazon seller

Do you use Amazon through the app for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets? Don't worry, contacting Marketplace sellers is just as simple! To get started, carry out a search using the appropriate bar at the top and touch the result that best suits your needs, in order to access the details section.

Once this is done, identify the name of the seller attached to the wording Sold byDispatched from and sold by, select it, then press the button Contact the seller. At this point, use the drop-down menu that is proposed to you to select the category most inherent to the question you intend to ask the seller, type the message in the text box available to you and, finally, tap the button Send email.

Again, the reply will arrive within 2 working days and you will be notified by e-mail. You can find it in the section Communication Amazon app: to access it, press the button  located at the top left, tap on the item My Account, then on the voice Messages, and finally on the voice Vendor contacts and notifications.

If you wish, you can perform a virtually identical procedure (except for the location of menus and buttons, which may differ slightly) using Amazon directly from your mobile device's browser.

Contact an Amazon seller after placing your order

Do you need to contact a Marketplace seller after making a purchase, perhaps to specify shipping information or communicate information about the size or color of the item? Also in this case, you can proceed without problems both via PC and via smartphone or tablet: below I am going to show you how to do it.

From PC

How to contact Amazon seller

First, connect to the Amazon website, then hover your mouse over the item Account e list (placed under your name, if you are already logged in, or under the text Hi, Log in) and select the item my orders from the proposed panel. Log in if necessary, then identify the order that contains the item for which you need information and click on the button Contact the seller attached to the relevant box.

At this point, put the check mark on the item next to the box An order I placed, then next to the item that identifies theorder you are interested in, select the category of the question you want to ask from the drop-down menu Choose an optionDopodiché by clicking on the button Write your message resident at the bottom of the page.

Once this operation is complete, type the message you want to send to the seller using the text box resident in the next window, taking care not to exceed the 4.000 characters. If necessary, you can use the button Add attachment to attach any files or visual evidence that possibly confirm your thesis.

Once you have written the message, click on the button Send email that you find at the bottom of the page: the response, which should arrive within 2 working days, will be notified by e-mail and shown in the Communications section with Amazon sellers.

Give smartphone and tablet

How to contact Amazon seller

If you use the Amazon app for Android and iOS devices, you can contact a seller after making a purchase as follows: tap the ☰ button on the main screen of the application (top left), then select the item my orders and choose theorder which contains the subject you want to raise the question about (you may need to log in) to view the specific details screen.

Now, touch the voice View order details, presses on the name of the object attached to the box Shipping details (to access the item section), identify the seller's name in correspondence with the wording Sold by / Sold by, tap on it and follow the same instructions I gave you in the previous section dedicated to smartphones and tablets.

In this case, always remember to specify, in the message you are about to send, that the order for that item has already been placed.

Contact Amazon if you have any problems

How to contact Amazon seller

The seller has not satisfied your requests, you have not received an answer within 2 working days or do you intend to ask questions about a good sold and shipped directly from Amazon? Then I suggest you get in touch directly with the e-commerce operators, who will surely be able to provide you with the right answers to the questions you intend to ask.

How do you say? Don't have the faintest idea of ​​the procedure to be implemented? Don't worry, I have prepared a specific guide on how to contact Amazon just for you: I'm sure that, after reading it, you will know exactly how and where to get the assistance you need.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a way to return a product that did not satisfy you or even never arrived, follow the instructions in my tutorial on how returns on Amazon work.

How to contact Amazon seller

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