How to change administrator on Windows PC
To quickly change the administrator on a PC with a Windows operating system, we will first have to create a new administrator profile, then delete the old one from the list of users available for the system. Below we will show you the procedure to be carried out on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, i.e. the operating systems still supported by Microsoft.Windows 10
To change administrator on a PC with Windows 10, open the Start menu at the bottom left, search for and open the app Settings, let's get to the menu Account and finally in the section Family and other users.
We press the button Add another user to this PC; a window will appear in which we can enter our Microsoft account access credentials (if we want to have an account synchronized online); if we want to create a local account, click on I don't have this person's login information, we select the item Add a user without a Microsoft account then we choose the name to give to the new user, together with a new password (to be written twice for security) and the security questions and answers for recovery, then click on the button NEXT to confirm.
After the creation of the new account, we press on its profile icon, then we choose the item Change account type and we choose CEO give menu to tendin Account type. After this change we exit the current account from the menu Start -> Close or log out -> Exit and log in with the new administrator. To delete the old administrator account, go back to the Settings -> Accounts -> Family and other users section, click on the name of the old account to be deleted, press on Remove and we choose to also delete all the data generated by the account, so as to remove all traces.
Windows 8.1
If we have a PC with Windows 8.1 installed, we can change the administrator on the PC, click on the bottom left of the Start screen, look for the app PC settings and finally go to Account -> Other accounts.
We press the button Add an account and enter the login credentials for our Microsoft account; if we want to create a local account, click on Sign in without a Microsoft account, by pressing the button Local account, so that you can configure the login name and password of the new administrator account. Once the configuration is complete, click on NEXT to add the new account to the PC, select and press the button Modification and we set CEO give menu to tendin Account type.
Now all we have to do is restart the computer and log in with the new administrator account; to delete the old account, go to the Accounts -> Other app accounts screen again PC settings, select the name of the old account and use the key Delete to delete it from your computer.
Windows 7
If we have a computer with Windows 7, we can change the administrator on the PC by opening the Start menu at the bottom left and clicking on the item Control Panel. Once you get to the screen with all the system options, make sure you view the items by category by setting the item of the same name at the top right (on the menu View by), then press on the item Add or remove user accounts, found under the User Accounts and Family Safety section.
To create the new administrator account, click on Create new account, let's choose a name for the profile and make sure to set the check mark to Administrator; to confirm press on Create account. If we also want to add a password to the new account, we click on its icon and use the voice Crea Password.
Now restart the PC and log in with the new administrator account; to delete the old account simply go to the screen again Add or remove user accounts, select the account to delete and use the entry Delete account.
How to change admin on Mac
Do we use an iMac or a MacBook as a productivity computer or a work computer? In this case we can change the administrator on Mac by clicking on the Apple symbol at the top left, selecting the menu System preference and finally bringing us to the menu Users and groups.
In the window that appears, click on the padlock at the bottom left, enter the system password and press on the + (plus) icon present at the bottom of the left column. In the new screen we set CEO in the drop-down menu of New account, then fill in all the required fields (username, password etc) and press on Create utente. To be able to immediately use the new administrator account created on the Mac, press on the symbol of the bitten apple at the top left, press on Log out, select the new account and log in with the password chosen during creation.
Once activated on the new account, we can remove the old one by taking us back to the Users and groups menu, unlocking the advanced options with the padlock at the bottom left, selecting the account to be deleted in the left column and finally pressing icon - (minus) and entering the old account password (it may also be blank).
Creating a new administrator on the PC and Mac could be very useful in all cases where we are not sure that we were the only users of the PC, as well as being a good way to quickly restore the desktop and to delete the customizations applied to the system.If we can no longer access our PC as an administrator, we recommend that you read our guides on how Reset the Windows 10 password to log into the PC e How to reset or bypass the password to log in on computer and smartphone, so that we can find a working method to regain access to our computer.
As seen, it is also possible create a new Windows administrator before starting the PC.
If, on the other hand, we want to create a secure limited account for guests and for inexperienced people, we recommend that you read our article on How to make friends and guests use your PC separately and securely.