What has always been certain is that Facebook knows this information, but keeps it hidden and it is impossible for a user to know who visits the profile or their page.
However, a trick really cool that allows you to find out who our best friends are, those with whom you interact the most and, presumably, also those who visit our diary page often.
The current formula of how Facebook displays home news and why some friends' updates appear more often than others is unknown.
What can be assumed is that Facebook's computer compiles a list of everyone's best friends automatically, based on a combination of social actions.
For example, a person is considered by Facebook to be close friends with another if they exchange many messages, if there are comments or "likes" on the news and even if one of them often visits the other's profile, reading the his diary.
The trick to which I mentioned above is very simple and allows you to draw up a list of selected friends which I definitely am the ones you are interacting with the most today, Including those who click the most and, perhaps, also those who visit our profile most often.
Then open Facebook on your diary, right-click on an empty spot and click on "View source" (HTML in Internet Explorer).
In the code displayed, search for the word InitialChatFriendsList then press CTRL-F and search for {"list": to quickly find a line of code with various "list" numbers: ["1040976291-2", "1548758432-2", "1472454335-2" .....
PS earlier the line of code to look for was OrderedFriendsListInitialData, this has now changed.
All the numbers after the list are the IDs of the most loyal friends you have on Facebook, the ones you interact with the most.
To see who corresponds to a number just go to Facebook, and write it on the address bar so that it appears: https://www.facebook.com/123456789 (remove the final -2).
To do first and see the entire list of our best friends stalkers, in the code page, select a few lines with all these numbers in quotation marks, make Copy and then paste the copied text in the box of this web page by pressing GO.
Immediately you will see all the names of the favorite friends for the user at that moment.
Nobody knows if this list that is in the source code of Facebook takes into account the friends who visit our profile or if only those whose page we visit, with whom we chat more and exchange messages.
This is certainly not a randomly drawn list.
Everyone will be able to check their stalkers and the list of those with whom they communicate the most and give the interpretation they want, depending on the results which, I remember, change over time depending on what you do.
In another article, i best tricks for Facebook
Facebook trick to discover best friends and who visits us profile