You can then download wallpapers or install programs that modify it in various ways giving it a more modern, unique and elegant look.
So let's see some of these programs, only free, to modify the Windows desktop both aesthetically and in its functions and in the way of presenting the icons. Unless otherwise stated, these programs are free and compatible with Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10.
1) The clock on the desktop background
Vladstudio is one of the best sites to find and download desktop wallpapers for your monitor.
Besides the wallpapers you can download Vladstudio's wallpapers with clocks. In order to use a background with a clock, you must first install one of the programs suggested on the page (for Windows it can be Chameleon Clock or Dexclock or PerfectClock) and then save the image to use as a background. The desktop of the PC becomes similar to that of a mobile phone, with the clock and date always present in the background.
To have the clock on your desktop always present there are also other ways including the HTC Home plugin, one of the Weather programs for PC it's a Windows widget with clock from XWidget.
2) If you want more, with Calendarika can be put the calendar of the month as your desktop background.
3) Rainmeter is a very popular program for customizing Windows in many ways limited only by your own imagination. You can create Widgets, add music controls, monitor the system and hardware resources, put a Google search bar and much more to make the desktop look like a mobile phone. Once Rainmeter is installed, you can go to the DEviantArt site and download the skins to change the look of Windows.
4) RocketDock
If you like the way in which applications start up on a Mac, with the low bar done as a keyboard, then you can install RocketDock. You can organize the shortcuts and icons on the dock by deleting them from the desktop. Again, the dock's appearance and features are fully customizable.
If you don't like RocketDock or want alternatives, check out the article about it best horizontal or circular Dock bars to start programs on Windows
5) DryIcons
Without revolutionizing the desktop, DryIcons is one of the best sites to download icon sets to replace the standard Windows icons.
To replace a generic icon such as a folder icon, right click on a folder and then choose Properties -> Customize -> Change Icon.
DryIcons is one of the best sites to download icons for Windows PC.
6) Splashify is a program that allows you to find, browse and download wallpapers on the Windows desktop.
The program works well in its simplicity, just to install the program, search from the search field and choose one of the images taken from the Unsplash site.
7) Dexpot is a great program to enhance and expand your work using different virtual desktops.
Dexpot is one of the best programs for having multiple virtual desktops on Windows
8) Wallpapers that rotate automatically
If you don't like the idea of always having the same wallpaper, you can use a program that automatically rotates the wallpapers every X time chosen by the user.
The backgrounds will always be different and taken from the internet or they can be personal photographs.
Applications like Bing Wallapaper or VladStudio Companion are among the best programs to automatically change your desktop wallpaper
9) Microsoft Powertoys for Windows 10, which among its functions also has that to divide the desktop screen into three parts.
10 ) Launchy, to launch programs using the keyboard, with a bar that automatically fills in the names. To recall it, once installed, just press the ALT + Space keys together.
Launchy is one of the best Windows launchers to launch programs and applications.