Once you get acquainted with potions, thanks to the completion of the quest related to Professor Sharp's class, you will be able to try and craft all the potions available in Hogwarts Legacy yourself.
On this occasion, it will be explained how to prepare the Wiggenweld Potion and the Edurus Potion, two of the seven potions available in the game that will be enough to complete the main mission. However, there are many more to prepare by buying the ingredients in J. Pippin's Hogsmeade located where, among other things, you can buy the "potion recipesthat will help you achieve them. After taking the recipe for making the potion, you will need to buy the necessary ingredients, and then return to the alchemical table.
There are Plants, on the other hand, that can be used in combat (as well as cultivated):
- Chinese Carnivorous Cabbage (Herbology Lesson, buy at Essential Herbs and Fairy or Fatal Mushrooms) - Should be grown in medium to large pots.
- Venomous Tentacle (Herbology Lesson, purchased from Essential Herbs and Fairy or Fatal Mushrooms) - Should be grown in large pots.
- Mandrake (herbology lesson, shop at Essential Herbs and Fairy or Fatal Mushrooms) - Can be grown in any size pot.
After taking them, you obviously have to buy (or find in the open world) all the ingredients needed to prepare them, and then go back to the alchemical table (see The Room of Requirement; find it, use it, and understand it). It is important to say that making all the potions and obtaining all the ingredients will give you:
- The "Professional Potioner" award - required for the "Silver" Trophy;
- A share of the "Collector's Edition" prize for finding all 16 potion ingredients; - necessary for the "Silver" Trophy;
That being said, the spells and feats in Hogwarts Legacy are not the only ways to become the best witch or wizard, potions can also be used to strengthen you and help you in fights.
Regeneration Potion or Wiggenweld (Helps heal and restores some health) - Unlocks at the first potions lesson (15 seconds)
- 1 x Dictam Leaves (Seeds can be purchased from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
- 1 x Horklump Juice (Horklump hide underground. They can be bought from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
edurus potion (A potion that increases defense and hardens skin like rock) - Unlocked at the first potions lesson (30 seconds)
- 1 x Ashwinder Eggs (Eggs are obtained from Ashwinders and can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions.)
- 1 x Lupardo Skin (Skin taken from the Lupardi. Can be purchased from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
Focus potion (Reduces the cooldown of spells) - Recipe that can be purchased from the Pippin Potion Shop (800 gold) (1 minute)
- 1 Lacewing Fly (Usually found in open ground. Seeds can be purchased from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
- 1 x Lunaria stem (seeds can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions).
- 1 x Dugbog's Tongue (Organ obtained from Dugbogs around Hogwarts. Can be bought from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions.)
Maximum potion (Increases damage caused by spells cast by the user for a limited time) - Recipe purchasable at the Pippin Potion Shop (800 gold) (30 seconds)
- 1 Leech Juice (Found along the coast. Can be bought from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
- 1 x Spider Fang (Fang taken from spiders in the Forbidden Forest. Can be purchased from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
Invisibility Potion (Whoever drinks this potion becomes invisible, immediately disappearing from the sight of enemies. The effect lasts for a short time) - Recipe purchasable at Pippin's potions shop (800 gold) (1 minute)
- 1 x Troll Boogers (Can be obtained by defeating trolls. Can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions.)
- 1 x Jumping Mushroom Hats (Woodland. Can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions.)
- 1 Vine Sprig (Seeds can be purchased from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
thunder potion (Unleashes a storm around the drinker that is capable of stunning and damaging nearby enemies) - Recipe purchasable at the Pippin Potion Shop (1200 gold) (1 minute 30 seconds)
- 1 Leech Juice (Found along the coast. Can be bought from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions.)
- 1 x Stink of Death (Essence collected from the Underworld. Can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions.)
- 1 x Grinzafico Fruit (Can be bought from Turnip and Pippin Magic Potions).
Happy happy (A potion that increases the chance of success. Specifically, it reveals the location of large loot chests for one day on the minimap.) - Currently exclusive to those who have pre-ordered Hogwarts Legacy for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. (1 minute)
- 1 Chrysopa fly.
- 1 x Lunaria stem (seeds can be purchased from Magic Turnip and Pippin Potions).
polyjuice potion (It is only mentioned in the Sophronia Franklin Quiz and is used in the quest "The Polyjuice Conspiracy" which will turn you into Professor Black.)
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