These are all the steps you will need to follow to complete the In the Shadow of the Relic quest at Hogwarts Legacy and unlock the Unforgivable Curse.
If you are a really bad witch or wizard and want to learn the Dark Arts, you will need Avada Kedavra. In Wizarding World, and thus Hogwarts Legacy, this spell kills instantly, but that doesn't mean you can't learn it in-game.
You can unlock Avada Kedavra in the Shadow of the Relic quest at Hogwarts Legacy. This is a quest available much later in the game with Sebastian, and it will be your chance to unlock the final (and final) Unforgivable Curse of the story.

Hogwarts Legacy: Where to find the Kneazles
For everything you need to know to finish the quest and get the spell, keep reading our guide below. And be sure to check out our Hogwarts Legacy guide for everything you need to know about the game, including puzzle solutions, where to find items, and more.
In the shadow of the relic | Hogwarts Legacy -
You will need to meet Infaustus and Anne at the entrance to the Feldcroft Catacombs for this quest to start once you receive it. Anne and Infaustus will be outside the catacomb, arguing, and you will discover that Anne wants to oppose Sebastian's dark ambitions.

The catacomb is full of Inferi - you'll need to use a fire spell, like Incendio, Bombarda, or Confringo, to burn them down before you can damage them. Once you enter, walk down the corridor in front of you, then go left to the main room that you may have visited earlier. Finish the Inferi here, then head down the central corridor and down the stairs.
You will find a ladder that you must build with the skeletons scattered around the stage using Wingardium Leviosa, to go up to where Sebastian is. Be sure to Accio the handles on the walls to access the two piles of bones that he will need to assemble the ladder.

How to Unlock Avada Kedavra —
Outside with Sebastian, you're going to have to be nice to him to learn Avada Kedavra, because that's the only way he's going to be willing to teach you. If you did everything correctly during Sebastian's questline and generally agreed to learn and use the Dark Arts, you will have all three Unforgivable Curses available this way.