We will find you the key fastest, largest and most innovative USB memory sticks which can be bought right now, so you can also take advantage of some modern features such as the WiFi hotspot for data transfer without the need to move the key on each PC.
Choosing the best USB sticks was not at all easy, because there are so many models and manufacturers that produce this type of portable device. The selected ones we can consider the best in relation to price and average user reviews, but this does not mean that even models not present in this list are to be discarded a priori!
Among the features that you absolutely must look at on the USB stick is the color of the contacts, which can provide a valid suggestion on the transfer speed:
- Black: USB 2.0 transfer standard, the slowest currently.
- Blue: USB 3.0 transfer standard, one of the fastest currently usable
- Blue or orange: the latest USB 3.1 transfer standard, as fast as 3.0 (but second generation USB 3.1 are faster)
So let's try to focus if possible at least on USB with blue ports, so as to have an excellent speed when we write or read data from the stick.
1) The fastest USB stick: SanDisk Extreme 3.1 or Corsair GTX

If you have bought a fairly recent computer (2 or 3 years old) it is likely that it has USB 3.0 sockets or even better USB 3.1, even faster. To take advantage of these connections you also need to buy a USB stick that supports the new transfer standard and then buy the SanDisk Extreme, with a transfer speed of up to 200 MB / s and a capacity of 64 GB.
We can view this USB stick here -> SanDisk Extreme 3.1 (41 €).
If you want to spend more, then you can take the Corsair GTX, even faster.
2) The most expensive and capacious USB stick: ARCANITE 1 TB USB 3.1

Have we ever thought about getting a stick the size of a hard drive?
Now we can, thanks to the 1 TB (1000 GB) ARCANITE stick. In addition to the monstrous capacity, however, it also boasts a transfer speed of up to 240 MB / s, beating even the SanDisk Extreme. It is an interesting but too expensive object, with a really disproportionate cost (over € 800 are needed); if we are still interested in viewing the product, we can see it here -> ARCANITE 1 TB USB 3.1 (200 €).
3) The strongest and most robust USB stick: Corsair Flash Survivor Stealth

With 25 euros we can take home a combat USB stick, with a very robust body that can withstand shocks, vibrations and even underwater.
The capacity is 32 GB (or higher cuts as needed), the speed about 85 MB / s; we can view this combat key at the link here -> Corsair CMFSV3B Flash Survivor Stealth (24 €).
4) The least expensive USB stick: Kingston DataTraveler 100

Personally, to buy a basic 16 or 32 GB USB pen, it is better to go to the shopping center by looking in the corner of the offers also because Amazon charges the shipping costs for orders below 29 euros (for those who do not have Prime). In terms of quality there is not much difference most USB sticks have transfer speeds between 20 and 40 MB / s.
If you really want to buy a USB stick on the Internet, we recommend that you focus on Kingston DataTraveler 100 6 €)
5) The best USB flash drives by brand
If we love to buy sticks from a certain manufacturer (because we have already had others and we had a great time), below we have collected the best USB sticks divided by the main manufacturers, so that we can personally choose the one we like based on the brand.
- Kingston DataTraveler G4 8GB (6 €)
- Kingston G4/32GB DataTraveler (10 €)
- Kingston DataTraveler SE9 (10 €)
- Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3 (16 €)
- SanDisk Cruzer Force (8 €)
- SanDisk Ultra (10 €)
- Sandisk Ultra Fit (13 €)
- SanDisk Cruzer Blade 128GB (30 €)
- Toshiba THN-U202L0160E4 (7 €)
- Toshiba Hayabusa 64GB (11 €)
- Toshiba Akatsuki (12 €)
- Toshiba Hayabusa 128GB (35 €)
- Verbatim Nano (7 €)
- Verbatim PinStripe 32GB (11 €)
- Verbatim PinStripe 64GB (19 €)
- Verbatim Store'n'go 128 GB (32 €)
6) Special USB sticks
There are special USB sticks with innovative features, such as the built-in WiFi connection to connect other wireless devices to the main stick or they are so small that they can be hidden in your hand or pocket.
- For example, the Sandisk Connect Wireless Stick is one of those that supports the WiFi connectivity and therefore allows you to access the data in memory from multiple computers, smartphones or tablets, without having to make a physical connection or via cables.
- The RAVPower FileHub Router it is slightly larger than a common one USB stick and has a battery with a duration of four hours, also able to recharge the mobile phone wirelessly.
- Unity Flash USB 3.0 SanDisk Ultra Fit it's one of those super little ones that hide.
- La Qarfee USB memory 64GB 4 in 1 (36 Euro) it can also be connected to a smartphone because it supports OTG technology.
- HooToo Flash Drive, made to be connected to the iPhone with Lightning connector and USB 3.0.
- Kingston data traveler, the USB stick with encrypted and protected data.
Best USB sticks to buy: the fastest, cheapest, biggest