How XME Pay works

What is XME Pay for

How XME Pay works

XME Pay is an Intesa Sanpaolo service integrated directly into the official application of the famous in your languagen bank. It is a real digital wallet that not only allows you to manage your bank account and Intesa Sanpaolo payment cards but also to add personal documents (e.g. driving license, identity card, health card, etc.) and your own cards loyalty (e.g. the supermarket card), to be presented at the time of purchase directly from your smartphone.

With XME Pay you can use your phone for make payments securely both in physical and online stores, on sites affiliated with Masterpass (Eg. Vodafone, IBS, Esselunga, MediaWorld, Sundial and many more).

Also, with the function Pay ATM of XME Pay, it's possible exchange money with friends, relatives and acquaintances simply by selecting the contact of your interest from the phone book or specifying the mobile number. In addition to documents and loyalty cards, with XME Pay it is also possible store images and information, with the ability to monitor the deadlines of personal documents and other users.

Finally, if you are wondering what the XME Pay costs, you will be happy to know that the service in question is completely free for all Intesa Sanpaolo customers.

How to activate XME Pay

How XME Pay works

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, XME Pay is integrated into the Intesa Sanpaolo app for Android and iPhone devices. All you have to do to use the service in question, then, is to download the bank's app and activate O-Key Smart, the system that allows you to authorize every single Internet Banking transaction via your smartphone.

If you have already done both, you are ready to use XME Pay. If not, go to your device's store, write "Intesa Sanpaolo" in the search field and press the button to start the download and installation of the bank app. For the detailed procedure, you can read my guide on how to download the Intesa Sanpaolo app.

At this point, start the app in question, tap the button Log in, insertion il client code that was provided to you when opening your account (the same one you usually use to access Internet Banking services from a computer) in the field Owner's code and press pulsating Continue. Then enter the PIN of 5 digits associated with your account in the appropriate field and tap the button Continue, to access the screen Enter O-Key.

If you still have the plastic key for generating temporary authorization codes, enter the pin code generated by the latter in the appropriate field or type the code you received via SMS, press the button Activate O-Key Smart and insertion il pin code associated with your account.

Finally, hit the button Continue, to receive a security code via SMS: then enter the code in question in the field Security code e fai tap sul pulsating Continue, to complete the O-Key Smart activation and start using XME Pay. To find out more, you can take a look at my guide on how to activate O-Key Smart.

How XME Pay works

At this point, access the main screen of the Intesa Sanpaolo app again, press on the item XME Pay e fai tap sul pulsating Attiva. Then enter yours pin code in the appropriate field, click on the button Confirmation three consecutive times and that's it.

How XME Pay Intesa Sanpaolo works

After the necessary initial premise and the procedure to activate O-Key Smart, you are ready to find out how XME Pay Intesa Sanpaolo works and how to use the service in question both to make payments and send money and to upload documents and loyalty cards.

How to use XME Pay for payments

How XME Pay works

With XME Pay you can make payments online and in physical stores. In the first case, all you have to do is start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, choose the option XME Pay and press on payment card of your interest (it is automatically associated with the service). At this point, press on the item Set up payments and move the toggle next to the option Masterpass da OFF a ON, to enable online payment on sites affiliated with Masterpass.

Therefore, choose when purchasing Masterpass as a payment method, click on the button to complete the order and, on the new page opened, select the option Intesa Sanpaolo. Then enter your account login details in the fields Owner's code e PIN and press pulsating Send, then check that the payment information displayed on the screen and the shipping address are correct and press the button to complete the payment. Once this is done, you will receive a notification from Intesa Sanpaolo on your smartphone: tap it to authorize the payment and complete the operation.

If, on the other hand, you want to make a payment in physical stores with XME Pay using your smartphone and you have a device Android, you can rely on the service PAyGO which allows you to pay in all contactless technology-enabled shops simply by bringing your smartphone close to the POS. But first, you need to activate the NFC services (Near Field Communication) from Settings of your device, by accessing the sections Device connections e NFC. In this regard, my guide on how NFC works might be useful.

To activate PAyGO, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, select the option XME Pay, tap on your credit / debit card and, in the new screen displayed, press the button Activate PAyGo. Alternatively, log into your account, select the option Other, at the bottom right, tap on the items Settings and privacy e Digital payments and move the toggle next to the option PAyGo da OFF a ON.

Then follow the instructions shown on the screen to create a PIN PAyGo, a 5-digit code that you will need to enter to make payments using the cards associated with PAyGo. At this point, you are ready to pay in physical stores using PAyGO. At the time of payment, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, select the option PAyGo, choose the paper you intend to use for payment, type the PAyGo PIN code and bring your smartphone close to the POS, to complete the payment.

Finally, I would like to point out that you can pay in physical stores with your smartphone also with Bancomat Pay. Alternatively, I remind you that Intesa Sanpaolo also supports payments via Google Pay e Apple Pay.

How to use XME Pay with documents and loyalty cards

How XME Pay works

In addition to payments in physical and online stores, with XME Pay you can also manage yours documents and loyalty cards and use them even when you do not have the hard copy with you.

To upload a new personal document to XME Pay, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, click on the item XME Pay, locate the section Personal documents, click on the option Add document and select the option of your interest (Identity card, Health insurance card, Patent e Passport) from the menu that opens.

Now, enter the PIN that you usually use to access Intesa Sanpaolo Internet Banking services (or authenticated via facial recognition or fingerprint), frame the document you intend to upload with the camera of your device and follow the instructions shown on the screen, to better scan the document in question. If, on the other hand, you have already photographed your document before, you can upload it directly by pressing the icon of thelittle man, lower left.

At this point, make sure that all the data is legible and press the button + (if not, tap on the basket, to rescan), to scan the inside or back of your document. Once this is done, tap the button Continue and, in the new screen that appears, put the check mark next to the option of your interest between I am the owner of the document o The document belongs to another person.

In both cases, enter the data in the fields Owner surname, Owner Name, Number, Issuing body, Issuing date, Expiration date and, if you wish, add any comments in the field Notes. Finally, tap the button Save, to save the document in question and add it to the XME Pay document list.

How XME Pay works

If everything went well, you will see the message [document type] added. Also, by pressing the button Add deadline to calendar, you can add a deadline on your calendar (eg the expiration date of the document in question) and receive a notice in the days before the deadline.

It will be useful to know that on XME Pay you can also add other types of documents (eg bills) that you intend to archive or for which you want to receive a notice when the expiry date is approaching. In this case, after starting the Intesa Sanpaolo app and selecting the option XME Pay, click on the options Add document e Other document. If, on the other hand, you have already uploaded at least one document, tap on any document already present in your virtual portfolio, press the button +, bottom right, and choose the item Other document give the menu check if you press.

At this point, all you have to do is scan the document with your device's camera (you can also avoid doing so by pressing on the option Salta), enter the data in the fields Title, Expiration date e Notes e premere sul pulsating Save, to add it to XME Pay.

How XME Pay works

If, on the other hand, your intention is to add a loyalty card, you should know that the procedure is almost identical to uploading a personal document. To do this, go to the section XME Pay, tap on the item Add loyalty card and, in the new screen displayed, choose the card of your interest or select the option Other card not listed.

Regardless of your choice, frame the barcode or QR code of the card in question with your device's camera or select the option Enter manually, to add the card code by hand. Then enter the card name in the appropriate field, select a colore to be associated with the card (if the card you are inserting is not among those available in the Intesa Sanpaolo list) and tap the buttons Save e Close, to add it to your virtual wallet.

After adding the documents and loyalty cards of your interest to XME Pay, you can use them even when you do not have the physical copy with you. For example, if you want to use the supermarket loyalty card at the time of payment to accumulate your points, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, log in to XME Pay and tap on loyalty card of your interest, to view the related barcode and have it scanned by the cashier operator. It will be useful to know that on the screen relating to your loyalty card, you can also complete the payment in the store by clicking on the option Go to payment.

Finally, I would like to point out that the scan of your personal documents (eg identity card or driving license) available on XME Pay is not valid for recognition in public offices. Remember, therefore, to always carry a paper copy of your identification document with you.

How to use Bancomat Pay

How XME Pay works

Pay ATM is another service associated with XME Pay that allows you to send and receive money to friends and acquaintances (who in turn use Bancomat Pay) but also to create payment groups to divide an expense or create a collection to collect money. In addition, it allows you to pay with your smartphone in partner shops.

To activate Bancomat Pay, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, press the button Log in, to access your account, select the item Other, at the bottom right, and choose your options Settings and privacy e Bancomat Pay Profile. In the new screen that appears, tap the button Attiva, make sure the telephone number displayed on the screen is correct and press the button Continue, to activate Bancomat Pay.

At this point, you are ready to use the service in question. To do this, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, click on the item Pay ATM, select the option Exchange money and, if you haven't already, allow the app to access your phone's contacts. Then press the button +, at the bottom right, select the person of your interest by tapping on his name (or select the option New contact to manually enter the mobile number of the person you are interested in), and choose one of the options available from Request e Send, to request or send money.

Regardless of your choice, enter the amount to request / send in the field As, specify the reason in the field e fai tap sul pulsating Confirmation, to complete the operation.

How do you say? Do you want to create a group to raise money or divide an expense? If so, in section Exchange money, select the option New group, put the check mark next to the contacts of your interest and press the button NEXT. Then enter the group name in the appropriate field and, if you wish, also enter one Description it's a photo. Infine, premium pulsating NEXT, to create the group in question and start raising money and sharing expenses.

How XME Pay works

If, on the other hand, you want to pay in the store with Bancomat Pay, after starting the Intesa Sanpaolo app and selecting the option Pay ATM, tap on the item In the store and, at the time of payment, frame the QR code that is shown to you by the merchant with the camera of your device.

Alternatively, click on the icon shop, at the bottom right, select the store of your interest (if you have activated the location services it should be the first result), enter theamount to be paid in the appropriate field and tap on the button Confirmation, to complete the payment. Simple, right?

In case of dubbi or problem

How XME Pay works

If you have followed my instructions in detail but still have some doubts regarding the operation of XME Pay, you can access the section of the Intesa Sanpaolo app dedicated to the service in question and find the information you are looking for in complete autonomy.

To do this using your smartphone, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, click on the option XME Pay and tap on the item Help, top right. In the new screen that appears, select the option of your interest (What is XME Pay, Add personal documents, Pay with Masterpass etc.), to find the answers to your questions.

If, on the other hand, you have tried to use XME Pay but have encountered some malfunctions and want to obtain support from the bank's customer service, start the Intesa Sanpaolo app, press the button Log in, to log into your account, select the option Talk to us, in the menu at the bottom, and, in the new screen displayed, choose the item Online branch, to get in touch with a live operator via chat.

Alternatively, select the option Email, fai tap sul pulsating +, at the bottom right, choose the item Online branch, then the option Various informations using the appropriate drop-down menu, enter your message in the field Write message and press pulsating Send, to send your request by email.

How XME Pay works

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