How to use Twitter

How to sign up and log in to Twitter

How to use Twitter

Before explaining to you how to use twitter, I have to talk to you about how to create an account and log in to your profile: this is necessary to take full advantage of all the features of this social network.

You can sign up and access Twitter both from smartphones and tablets, by downloading the free app for Android and iOS, and from a computer, via the Web version of the social network.

If you prefer to act mobile, download the app Twitter on your smartphone or tablet. If you use Android, april il Play Store and, after locating the app tab, press the button Install. On iOS, invece, award your pulse Get, located at the Twitter tab in theApp Store, then unlock the download and installation of the application via the Face ID, Touch ID or password of your iCloud account. On a computer, however, you can simply log into Twitter from your favorite browser.

Now, to register on Twitter, press the button Create account (from smartphones and tablets) or click the button SUBSCRIBE (from computer). Once this is done, type in all the information you are asked for, such as yours name, your telephone number or l 'email address with which you want to register and which you will need to confirm in order to create the account.

If, on the other hand, you already have a Twitter account, log in to it by pressing the button Log in and log in, typing thee-mail and Password related to your profile.

If you have any doubts or problems, please refer to the instructions in my tutorial on how to sign up for Twitter.

How to use Twitter on Android and iPhone

How to use Twitter

Twitter is a social network that is characterized by the ability to publish text messages from maximum 280 characters, to which multimedia contents can be added.

Having said that, I will explain to you in the next chapters how to use Twitter on Android and iPhone, showing you all the main features of the application.

Customize the profile

How to use Twitter

After signing up or logging into Twitter, the first thing to do is customize your profile. To do this, press onicona dell'omino located at the top left and, in the menu that is shown to you, tap on the item Profile.

Adesso, premium pulsating Edit profile and upload the photo you intend to use as profile picture and the one you want to use as cover image, by tapping onicona della macchina photography, located in correspondence with the relative sections.

After that, fill in the text fields Your name, Birthday e Bio, possibly adding optional information, such as yours position and yours website. To confirm the changes, click on the button Save, top right.

If you have any doubts or problems at this stage, please refer to my tutorial on changing your name on Twitter.

Write and interact with tweets

How to use Twitter

Now is the time to see how write and interact with tweets. That said, to write a tweet, press the button with the quill pen symbol located in the lower right corner.

After that, type the message you want to post in the text field What's new? and, if you want to add multimedia elements to it, press on theframework icon (to add photos or videos from the device memory) or press the button GIF, to attach a GIF, by choosing it from the app database.

To publish the tweet, then click on the button Tweet, located at the top right. Posted tweets are visible in yours Profile, but also in the section Home (The house symbol), and they are public (unless you have set the profile as private).

In addition to posting tweets, you can interact with those of other users by going to the section Home (the house icon, located in the bottom menu) of the application.

You can interact with a tweet in different ways: tap on theheart icon, to like; press onarrow icon, to share the tweet on yours Profile (via the Retweet or the one named Retweet and comment, which allows you to add a comment to the tweet before sharing it). If, on the other hand, you want to reply to a tweet, click onfumetto icon and tap on the text field Tweet a response, to start a discussion with the user who wrote the message.

Do you have any doubts or are you having problems with sending a tweet? If so, I suggest you read my tutorials on how to tweet, how to tweet a photo or GIF and also those on how to comment and how to read comments on Twitter.

Send, read and reply to messages

How to use Twitter

Another feature of Twitter is that relating to the possibility of chatting with users via private messages (sayings direct messages o DM). That said, to send a private message to a Twitter user, click onenvelope icon located in the menu at the bottom and, in the new screen that is shown to you, presses the button New message.

Now use the internal search engine to type the username of the person you want to get in touch with, then type the message in the text field write a message e premi sull 'airplane icon, to send it.

Did you get a private message on Twitter? If so, you can always find it in the section Messages (envelope icon). Then tap on the name of the person who wrote you, to see the message and reply, using the text field write a message and l 'airplane icon to send it.

If you have any doubts or problems, please refer to my tutorial where I tell you how to chat on Twitter.

Follow people

How to use Twitter

If a Twitter user posts tweets that interest you, you can follow them, so you can be sure you see the content they post in the section Home application. You must, in fact, know that, how about Instagram, also on Twitter i exist follower and Following, that is, the people who follow you and those you follow.

That said, to follow a person up Twitter, first presses on his name, to see hers Profile, and then on the button Follow, located in the upper right corner.

At any time, if you've changed your mind, you can unfollow a user by returning to theirs screen Profile e facendo tap sul pulsating Following. Then, in the menu that is shown to you, press on the item Stop following, Followed by name of the person.

How to use Twitter on a computer

How to use Twitter

you can use Twitter also on a computer, by connecting to its official website and logging into your account. Here's everything in detail.

Please note: I used the most recent version of the Twitter Web platform to write the tutorial which, at the time of writing, is optional and can be activated by clicking on the button Check present on the right on the home page of the social network.

Customize the profile

How to use Twitter

After logging in to Twitter, I recommend that you customize your profile by clicking on the menu item Profile, located in the left sidebar.

Fatto ciò, first prize Edit the profile and add all the information related to it, such as yours name and the biography (Bio). You can also add a profile picture and cover picture by selecting it from your computer via theicona della macchina photography.

In case of doubts or problems, please refer to the indications I gave you in the previous chapter as the operation of Twitter from a computer is virtually identical to the app for Android e iOS.

Write and interact with tweets

How to use Twitter

write a tweet from your computer, click the button Tweet located in the lower left. Alternatively, you can use the text field What's new? located at the top of the screen, in the section Home.

As mentioned, Twitter allows you to write text messages of up to 280 characters and add multimedia elements (the picture icon) or GIF. You can also interact with tweets posted by other users by liking (heart icon), retweeting (arrow icon) and commenting (the cartoon icon).

Then refer to the information I gave you in the previous chapter, to know how to write a tweet and how to interact with those of other users: the functioning of the social network from a PC has, in fact, very few differences compared to the app for smartphones and tablets.

Send, read and reply to messages

How to use Twitter

You can write and read private messages also using Twitter from a computer, by clicking on the menu item Messages (envelope icon), to send a private message to a Twitter user (New message) or to read those received, by selecting the name of the person who first started a conversation.

In this case, the operation of the section Messages Twitter from a computer is identical to that found on smartphones and tablets. Then refer to the information I gave you in the previous chapter, in case of doubts or problems.

Follow people

How to use Twitter

Would you like to follow the people you care about on Twitter from your computer, but you don't know how to do this? Don't worry, it's super easy.

In fact, exactly how is it possible to do on Twitter from smartphones and tablets, after identifying the person to follow in the Home (or via the internal search engine (the magnifying glass icon), all you have to do is press the button Follow.

At any time, if you have changed your mind, click on the button Following (on the profile page of the person to unfollow) and then on the button Stop following, in correspondence with the notice that is shown to you, to revoke the follow.

Using Twitter hashtags

How to use Twitter

Among the most prominent features of Twitter are the hashtag, that is, labels that allow you to categorize tweets. Hashtags can be inserted into your posts and are selectable.

By tapping (or clicking) on ​​them, all the tweets of users who have used the same hashtag are shown. Furthermore, hashtags are at the heart of functionality Explore by Twitter (the magnifying glass icon on Android and iOS).

By going to this section you can see all the hashtags and the most popular words in your geographical area: it is, in fact, a feature that is often used as a news aggregator, so that you can know, in real time, what is happening. in the city or in the world.

In this regard, to learn more about it I suggest you read my guide on how hashtags work on Twitter.

Use Twitter to promote

How to use Twitter

Twitter allows you to promote your business through paid sponsorship of your tweets. This function is called Twitter Ads and allows you to gain greater notoriety regarding, for example, interactions with tweets and clicks to your website.

If you want to know more about it, I recommend that you read my guide on how to make money on Twitter, as well as rely on the official Twitter Ads guide.

Use two Twitter accounts

How to use Twitter

Twitter allows you to use up to 5 accounts at the same time. If you are logged in to Twitter, you can in fact add a second account both through the app for Android and iOS and through the website of the social network.

In the first case, press onicon (...) located at the top left and tap on the wording Add an existing account, to log into your second account. Once this is done, you can switch from one profile to another by tapping onprofile picture.

On PC, instead, click on the item Other and press pulsating capacitor positive (+) lead. Finally, tap on the item Add an existing account, so you can log into your second account and switch between them by clicking on theprofile picture.

Using Twitter without an account

How to use Twitter

It is not possible to use Twitter and the features I told you about in this guide of mine without an account, but you can still succeed in this intent in an alternative way, by accessing Twitter Search.

Twitter Search is a special public section of the social network that displays the trends and it also integrates a search engine, through which it is possible to search for Twitter users and see their profiles.

For more information about it and to know how to use other third-party websites that allow you to see Twitter trends, such as the Web portal, read my guide where I tell you about how to access Twitter without signing up.

Unsubscribe from Twitter

How to use Twitter

After reading this guide of mine dedicated to how Twitter works, did you understand that this social network is not for you and do you want to unsubscribe from it?

In this case, know that you can proceed both from smartphones and tablets and from computers, by accessing the section Settings and Privacy> Accounts and pressing on the item Deactivate your account, after eventually backing up all your content using the archive of Twitter.

For more information on this, refer to my guide on how to unsubscribe from Twitter.

How to use Twitter

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