How to recover a deleted post on Facebook

From ForDataRecovery, we want to explain How to Recover a Deleted Post on Facebook. If you want to recover Information or a Video from these Social Networking Applications, in this case Facebook, from the User's profile, you need to remember the Password to be able to log in.

A few days ago you had spent some time looking for a quote to put in a post on your Facebook profile. However, once the content was published, worried that quote would reveal too much about you and what you think, you decided to delete the post in question. Now, however, with a cool head, you've had a new afterthought: you'd like to retrace your steps and restore the content you had previously posted, but you don't know if such a feature exists.

Well, yes! The answer to your question is yes and, if you trust this tutorial of mine, you will soon be able to learn in detail how to recover a deleted post on Facebook. I can assure you right away that it is simpler than you imagine and you can act both as a smartphone and a tablet as well as a computer: only you choose the "way" that seems most suitable to you.

As I will explain in the next lines, you only have to consider the "time factor". In fact, you can only recover deleted publications within a certain period. That said, if you agree, let's stop no more and move on to the actual guide. I wish you a good read and best of luck with everything!

How to Recover Deleted Post/Post from Facebook.

Before we move on to the practical side of the question, let me delve into the timing issue mentioned in the first few bars of the guide.

As mentioned, if you want to recover deleted posts from Facebook, there is a maximum time frame within which we must act. Going more specifically, Facebook has stated that content previously posted and then deleted from your Journal can be restored within 30 days of the actual deletion. Posts deleted for more than 30 days are automatically permanently deleted and are therefore unrecoverable.

When you delete content posted to your timeline, Facebook moves it to a private area, called a basket, that only you can see. This section of your profile is accessible through the Account Activity Log feature. Never heard of it? Below, I'll briefly explain what it's all about. The Facebook activity log is a kind of "history" of all transactions made on the social network.

Likes, comments, reactions, personal information, searches performed, logins and logouts, friend requests received and sent: all this and more can be seen thanks to the functionality I'm talking about. The Activity Log gives you a summary of the operations you have performed, showing you from the most recent to the most remote ones, and also allows you to delete or hide the various contents published in the Address Book Agenda.

I will explain in the following chapters how to access the Activity Log to restore deleted posts on smartphones, tablets and computers. I also inform you that you have the possibility to recover deleted content from the Diary even if youraccount has been deleted(provided that the cancellation of the post and the cancellation of the account occurs within 30 days).

In this case, you must first restore your Facebook account: to learn how to do this, read this tutorial. Through your Facebook account settings, you can also create a copy of the data and content related to your profile, including all published posts. I will dedicate the last chapters of this guide to show you how this option works.

How Can I Recover a Deleted Facebook Post?

How to restore a deleted post on Facebook

I will show you now how to recover an accidentally deleted post on Facebook acting both from smartphone andtablet than computer. Find everything explained below.

From smartphones and tablets

If you want to find out how to recover a deleted post on facebook fromsmartphone or tablet, start the application of the famous social network (available for both Android and iOS / iPadOS) and, if necessary, log in to your account.

Then click on the icon ... on the right (next to the add a story button) and, on the page that opens, tap the Activity Log item, to access your activity log.

Now press the basket button at the top right: this will show you all the posts deleted from your journal in the last 30 days. To restore one, simply touch it and press the Restorebutton at the bottom.

Then confirm the operation by pressing the Restore button once more, and that's it: the post will instantly return to your Dario at the exact date and time you originally published it.

By pressing the Archive button instead, the post will be moved toarchive and, in the future, will only be visible to you (but will not be deleted anyway). To open the Archive, just go back to the icon menu ... icon menu of your profile and then click on the archive button.

If, instead of the application, you use a each browser to view Facebook, simply connect to the home page of the social network and log in. Once this is done, presses the profile picture yours, top left, and follow the same steps I listed above to the letter. In this case, in fact, the operation of the application is totally similar to that of the browser version of Facebook. Easy, isn't it?

From computer

Are you wondering how to recover a deleted post on Facebook on a PC or a Mac? I'll explain right away. First, log in to Facebook using any browser and click on your profile name at the top right.

At this point, on your profile page, click on the icon ... located at the top right and, from here, click on the Activity Log item, to access your Activity Log. Then click on the basket item (top left) and, on the page that opens, you can see the list of posts deleted from your journal in the last 30 days.

To restore one, simply click on the icon ... that is displayed if you move the mouse cursor over it and then click on the item Restore to profile. Finally press the Restore button, to confirm, and that's it. This will automatically move the post to your Journal and you will be able to view it by scrolling it until you reach the date and time when the restored content was initially published. See how easy that was?

If, in the last step I showed you, you tap the Move to Archive item (instead of clicking the Restore to Profile item), the post will be placed in your account's personal archive and, in the future, will remain visible only to you.

To access the Archive, simply go back to the icon menu ... on your profile page and click on the archive item. By clicking on the new archive icon (top left) you will be able to see all the items contained in this private area.

How to recover old Facebook posts

How to Recover Facebook Data

Did the above procedure not give the desired result? Are you going to delete your Facebook profile but still want to prevent your posts from disappearing into thin air? If this is the case, you can safely use the social network's built-in feature that allows you to download all your account data, including posts, in a handy archive to keep offline. Here are all the details.

From smartphones and tablets

How to recover a deleted post on Facebook

If you want to take action from smartphone or tablet, open theofficial Facebook app for Android or for iOS / iPadOS) and, if necessary, log in to your account; then press the ≡ icon, scroll down on the page that opens and tap on the Settings and privacy item.

At this point, press on the Settings item, scroll down the list you see and press on the Download your information item. In the list of items, the latter will already be automatically all selected (posts, photos and videos, comments from friends, "likes" and reactions, etc.). Then just click on theCheckbox next to thenames of the various items you do not want to download, to deselect them.

Finally, you can decide in which format to save the copy by clicking on the Format item at the bottom of the page: the available ones are HTML and JSON. To open the former, a each browser navigation, while for a few seconds you will need the application that you find in the tutorial that I just linked you. Once you have chosen the format, all you have to do is press the button Create the file.

Then a request will be sent to Facebook that will automatically create the copy within a certain variable period of time (it can take hours or whole days; however, you will receive a notification as soon as the copy is ready). Once the copy is complete, to download it, simply go back to the Download your information menu item and click on the Copies available item.

Finally, you will have to press the download button. The steps explained so far are still valid even if you use Facebook from a browser.

From computer

How to recover a deleted post on Facebook

If you prefer to act from computer, log in to Facebook from your browser, click on the down arrow located in the upper right corner (next to the notification bell icon) and click on the items Settings and Privacy andsettings.

On the page that opens, click on the item Your information on Facebook (you can find it in the list at the top left) and, from here, click on the item Download your information. Then select the Box related to the items you want to download (publications are the first in the list, so leave them selected) and choose the format in which to download the file with your data (HTML or JSON) by pressing the button next to the Format item.

Finally, click on the item Create a file and wait for Facebook to complete the copy of the data. It may take days, depending on the amount of data to be processed. Once the copy is ready, you will receive a notification. To download the copy of your posts, you will need to go back to this last menu and click on the download button. It didn't take long, do you agree?

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