How Poparazzi app works

What is Poparazzi

How Poparazzi app works

Before going into the details of the procedure on how Poparazzi app works, I think you may be interested in learning more about this service.

Well, Poparazzi is a social network that seeks to stand out in this crowded market, challenging giants of the likes of Facebook and Instagram, as well as newer apps like Clubhouse. In this sector, to at least try to turn on a “light bulb” it is necessary to focus on originality, and the latter is certainly not lacking in Poparazzi.

In fact, the "mechanism" of the social network is based on an idea as simple as it is univocal (at least at the time of release): it is not the user who publishes what is on his Profile, but his own friends. Put simply, it is played on the word “paparazzi”, only other people take the pictures that the user knows, which will therefore have the task of "taking care" of your account.

Don't worry: obviously there are security that prevent this possibility from being abused. For example, if some friend decides to post inappropriate photos on your profile, you can choose whether to actually publish it or not: in short, it always passes for aauthorization from the owner of the profile.

How Poparazzi app works

Among other things, theidentity of the people who can post on a user's profile comes verified from the social network e the user himself decides to whom to provide the possibility to perform theautomatic upload content on the profile which, for obvious reasons, should only be given to a few people.

In short, on Poparazzi you will always have the last word: you can do remove the photos you no longer want on your profile as well possibly block people who did not behave well. In any case, certainly the method used by Poparazzi to manage the various accounts is interesting, also considering the fact that we try to go beyond the classic selfies, focusing on photos taken by others.

How to download Poparazzi

How Poparazzi app works

After explaining what it is, I'd say it's time to take action and illustrate yourself how to download the official application del social network Poparazzi.

Well, you have to know that at the time of writing, the app is available for iPhone and iPad only. Currently, in fact, an Android version of Poparazzi is not available, so I invite you to stay away from those who promise you to have the social network on the operating system of the "green robot": they are often scammers who try to convey malware on the devices of the victims.

So, to proceed and download Poparazzi, you have to open this page of the App Store directly from yours iPhone o iPad, press the button Get and verify yours identity using Face ID, Touch ID or Apple ID password, then waiting for the download and installation to finish (which will take place automatically). Alternatively, you can manually search for the app via the tab Search of the store.

Once the application is open, click on the button Get Started, to start. You will then be asked to provide all Permissions appropriate, so that Poparazzi can function properly. More precisely, you will be prompted to tick the boxes related to Camera (camera), Contacts (contacts) e Notifications (notifications), then tapping on the item Allow. The first authorization obviously serves to carry out e upload photos, the second is useful for find your friends (and be found) and the third is for get notified whenever a friend of yours posts a photo tied to you. Then press the button Next to move forward.

How Poparazzi app works

At this point, you will be asked which one is yours age: type in the required data and tap the button Next. After that, you will need to enter yours to continue your subscription telephone number, in order to verify your identity and subscribe to the service.

Enter, therefore, the requested information and tap on the button Next. This will give you a SMS containing a code of confirmation: type the latter in the app and press the button Next, to continue. Next, type yours name and tap the button Next. So do the same with yours last name and press pulsating Next.

Perfect, you're almost there. As the last step of the registration you will be asked to create a username: type what you prefer in the field provided and tap the button Next. At this point, you can choose whether or not to add one photo to your profile. To do this, click on the button Add a Photo and select an image from those on your device; alternatively press on the item Skip to skip the step.

After this step too, you will be asked if you already want choose 3 friends who can take pictures for you. If you have chosen to allow the app to access yours contacts, at the bottom you will see some names that you can select: you just need to tap on the button Invite present next to the various phone numbers to invite friends to use Poparazzi.

How Poparazzi app works

If you don't intend to make this choice right away, just tap on the item Skip, which is located at the top right, confirming your choice. In any case, I remind you that Poparazzi is, in fact, based on connections with friends, as they will be the ones to publish the photos on your profile. For this reason, the app will offer you several times to invite them within the social network.

The developers claim that Poparazzi was also created to try to "overshadow" the pressure people generally feel before uploading a photo to social media. In fact, there are not a few who feel they have to "respect" some sort of "Canon of beauty" which in reality does not exist, but which is simply the result of the continuous search for social approval promoted more or less consciously by certain social realities.

In short, you are aiming for a more conscious and healthy use of technology, while trying to "strengthen" the friendship with close people.

How Poparazzi app works

If you followed the directions I provided in the previous chapter, you are now ready to start using thePoparazzi official application. The latter has a main screen divided into 5 sections: below you can find all the relevant information relating to each of them.


How Poparazzi app works

The first section offered by the Poparazzi application is that relating to feed, accessible by pressing the icon "P", which is located in the lower left corner.

Here you can see all the content uploaded to the social network concerning the people you follow. Put simply, this is the section where you can see everything related to published posts inside Poparazzi.

For example, if you have chosen to follow a well-known star, all the stars will appear here photo e GIF about them (uploaded by their friends, or content that person has made for their friends). Put simply, this section is similar to the Instagram feed, or the main page of the well-known social network (albeit clearly with the necessary differences).

At the top right there is then the Pop score, which is a statistic that simply “tracks” how many photos you have taken for your friends. It is a method of trying to “reward” those who take the photos.


How Poparazzi app works

Accessible via the icon of magnifying glass present at the bottom left, the section Explore clearly allows you to take a look at the content uploaded to the social network.

In fact, one appears at the top search bar, which you can use to find what is of interest to you. Much of the screen is instead occupied by recommended content from the algorithm, a bit like it happens on Instagram.

In short, this is the section to use for start following some profile. In fact, you just need to type the name of the person involved, tap on the appropriate box e premere sul pulsating Follow to start following that profile. Pay attention to the fact that, following a profile, automatically allow the latter to publish content related to you (you can actually remove the authorization, while continuing to follow an account, by going to the section Allow pops from of the settings).

As you may have noticed, there are several at the top statistics linked to the profile, from number of posts views, passing through the number of reactions and for Top Poparazzi, Or the people chosen to upload photos on that profile. At the bottom there are two sections representing, respectively, the photos taken by friends of the selected person and the photos taken by that person for his or her friends.

You can too upload a photo of the person if you have one: just click on the box Add Pop, present at the bottom, and carry out the upload. However, I clearly remind you that you can do this only if you actually took a picture of that person (also because then, if you are not among the "closest friends", the other person will probably refuse the upload).

If, on the other hand, you want block a certain profile, you can do this by pressing onthree dots icon present at the top right and then selecting the item Block from the menu that opens. Then there is also the option Report, to report a user in case of problems.

Pressing, instead, on a content, you can put a heart, leave one reaction using some emoji of your choice or share content means Snapchat, Instagram (Stories or Posts), iMessage o link. You can also choose to save the photo or to make one signal (in case of inappropriate content).


How Poparazzi app works

The central section of the official Poparazzi application, accessible via thecamera icon, obviously allows from take pictures which will then appear on the profile of your friends.

The interface is very simple: at the bottom is the shutter button, on the right is the button for the flash and at the bottom left is the icon Gallery, to select, if necessary, some photos already taken to send. You will also be prompted to enter tag, in order to let the social network know who are you "portraying".

In short, it's all very simple: then the publication will take place according to the methods chosen by the friend you are taking the picture of. If you fall within the "Closest friends" the publication will be automatic, while alternatively you will have to wait for theapproval on your part.

In any case, Poparazzi also allows you to create GIFs: it is enough for you press the shutter button several times to create a content of this type, as indicated to you by the application itself.


How Poparazzi app works

The inevitable heart icon at the bottom right represents exactly what you think: it's the activity.

Here you will find all the notifications relevant to your account. In short, this is the section to keep an eye on when something related to your profile happens (for example, if a friend takes a picture relating to you).

In any case, I remind you that, if you have decided to provide the authorization during the configuration phase, you will receive “system” notifications from the app, which will then allow you to to approve possibly the various contents.


How Poparazzi app works

Moving to the last available section, or by pressing on theaccount icon present at the bottom right, you can take a look at your own Profile.

At the top you will find all the statistics of the case, while in the center there is the link to provide to others to achieve yours showcase. At the bottom, instead, all the content related to you. I advise you to click on thegear, present at the top right, to access further options.

From this screen you can take a look at the followed users, to yours follower and locked profiles. Also, you can get assistance, pressing on the option Get Help, as well as manage who can publish on your profile through the section Allow pops from.

Also from this screen you can also evaluate the application and access the FAQ (answers to frequently asked questions), as well as carry out the logout from the account. In case you want cancel yourself from Poparazziinstead, you will need to do it from this link.

In short, now you know a little everything there is to know about Poparazzi: you just have to explore the social network and have fun!

How Poparazzi app works

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