Currently, Telegram has surpassed 500 million users worldwide and its main attraction is that it is not only useful for sending instant messaging, like other similar applications such as WhatsApp. The feature that is making this app sweep is its communication channels.
There are channels of many types and that is why today we wanted to bring you the selection of the best Telegram channels for sports betting.
In Telegram channels you will find spaces to communicate messages to a wide audience. This tool is really useful to easily reach a large number of people through the platform. In the upper area of Telegram chat listings you can search for your contacts, but you will also have the opportunity to find channels and groups specialized in all kinds of topics and information.
There are movie channels, anime channels, series channels, discount channels, music channels, and so on. You can find literally anything you can think of and that causes you a special interest. That's why in this article we want to show you a selection of the best channels you have available to follow sports betting:
CumePicks. This is a premium and free channel that specializes in European soccer. In the channel you will find quite a lot of movement, as it is updated quite regularly. It has a win rate of 54%.
SuperBetsOne of the best betting channels on Telegram is SuperBets. In it you can find the previous analysis of each of the sporting events, to get the most out of your bets.
JesePicksman. This channel specializes in NBA and has more than 4,000 followers worldwide. It is one of the best platforms for all those who are interested in sports betting, especially barket.
RFEF BettingThis channel is only specialized in soccer betting of the most modest Spanish categories. You will be able to find information and forecasts about bets made by other expert users in the world of soccer.
Betting ThinkerThis channel has been offering forecasts since 2010 and its main feature is that it invites its channel to invited Tipsters to give a more or less reliable bet.
DisasterBetDisasterBet : This is one of the favorite channels for users, because in it you can find a lot of different betting analysis. Keep in mind that this channel is only intended for bets that have to do directly with the world of soccer.
Engineer PicksIn this channel he shows free soccer and basketball picks. He also offers premium picks for 15€ per month. His yield in February 2020 rose by 23% and his profit by 24. They will help you to bet consciously on everything you see interesting and with value.
Top Sports BettingIn this channel you will be able to find the first releases about betting on the Premier League, the Italian league, the Turkish league and also all the information you need about the Spanish first and second divisions. Don't miss a single detail thanks to this platform.
TipsterApuestaIn this channel you will find all the information you need for your sports betting, as well as the bet of the day in which you should deposit your money.
JC Betting: This is one of the best Telegram channels for sports betting and one of the favorites for sports betting fans who consume Telegram content. Here you will find all the information about free sports betting for an infinite number of championships. You will be informed about the odds and any incident that has arisen in the world of betting.
Soccer Betting DanThis is a channel that offers sports predictions for all those people interested in earning money through sports. It has free forecasts and has more than 20,000 followers around the world.
ApuestaticsLet's go with a channel specialized in sports betting in the lower divisions of the United Kingdom. You will also get all the information about Asian soccer and the main European leagues that are being played at that moment.
Sports Betting 21This has become the number 1 channel in Latin America, as it has more than 12,000 followers and provides information about all sporting events and the most profitable bets. It will help you to bet wisely and get the most out of your money.
TipsAnalysts: This Telegram channel is specialized in soccer sports betting, being one of the best channels to get the most developed forecasts, as well as information and analysis about the best odds you can get in your sports betting.
More articles about the best Telegram channels
Not all Telegram users are interested in the same thing, that's why we want to show you some articles on different topics that will help you find the information you need on virtually any subject.
Best Telegram channels for downloading books
Best Telegram channels to watch NBA
Best Telegram channels to watch Formula 1
Best Telegram channels to watch MotoGP
Now you know the best Telegram channels for sports betting and you know how getting this information can help you. All you have to do is click on the link we have left you linked to the channel name and, if you have Telegram downloaded, your device will take you directly to the platform where you can join the group.
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