Telegram is currently one of the most downloaded apps on the market thanks to the versatility it offers its users and all the features available. In addition to being able to talk through direct and instant messages, Telegram users can stay up to date on all the topics that interest them and consume the most relevant content for them.
That's why in this article we want to show you the best Telegram channels for downloading books. If you consider yourself a bookworm, this can become one of your best tools.
Telegram is a well-known platform and not only for the possibility it offers to chat with people who are not nearby, but for all the extra features it contains. In addition to individual or group chats, in Telegram you will be able to subscribe to channels where you will find all the information you need about the topic you are interested in: movies, music, sports and, of course, books.
If you are a new Telegram user it is normal that you wonder if it is possible to download books through this application and the answer is yes, you can download books in electronic format, either PDF or EPUB. You can find these books in the channel links within the Telegram platform and you only need to follow the instructions to proceed with the download.
There are specially created channels for all those lovers of literature and reading books. Many of these channels offer direct links to download the books that interest you. Be careful, though, in case they are still copyrighted.
Below we are going to show you the best Telegram channels to download books:
EPUB booksIf you want to download books in EPUB format, this is one of the best Telegram channels to do it. You will be able to find the cover of hundreds of books along with a brief synopsis that will explain their content. Although this channel is not usually updated, it contains some of the best books on the market.
Eboks in English: This is one of the best Telegram channels for downloading self-help, psychology and history books. On this platform you can find a wide catalog with many options of books to download directly to your device.
Ebooks SpanishIn this Telegram channel you can find a wide variety of books to download in EPUB format. When you subscribe you can find the cover of the books, along with a brief review, so you know if you are interested in the content, before downloading it.
Digital LibraryDigital Library: In this channel you will find a great number of books of all categories ready to be downloaded. Find the subject that interests you most: horror, psychology, novels, etc. In addition, you will be given several links so that you can choose the one that suits you best for downloading.
Free BooksThis Telegram channel offers content in English, for all those who wish to practice this language by reading books or magazines. You will be able to find both fiction and non-fiction content.
Free booksThis channel is updated every two or three days and offers users a large number of books in PDF. The genres of the books you will find are very different: war books, classic authors, modern authors, etc. You can also find courses that interest you or interviews with the authors.
PsychologyPDFLet's go with a book download channel specialized in the field of psychology only. The first thing you will see when you enter this channel are the covers of the books and once you click on them you will receive the necessary information for the download.
Medical Books PDFAs its name suggests, this channel is intended for all those who need to download titles related to the different fields of medicine. In Telegram you will be able to find from generic channels, to some very specific ones, as in this case.
Other Telegram channel articles
Telegram, as we mentioned above, is a platform that has room for all topics, so literature and reading channels will not be the only ones you can find. We leave you with some channels that you might find interesting:
Best Telegram channels to watch NBA
Best Telegram channels to watch Formula 1
Best Telegram channels to watch MotoGP
Best Telegram channels to watch tennis
Now you know the best Telegram channels to download books and the formats you have available to read these eBooks. We have made it easy for you, since, to access the channel, you will only need to click on the link of its name and the program will direct you directly to the Telegram app, so you can join right now.
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